Chapter 3

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Bellatrix sat alone in her kitchen sipping the red liquid from her wine glass. Her mind wanders to the events of today and a small smile graces her lips at the thought of the blonde. The shy, stuttering, panicky, over thinking everything Rose.

It was rather funny when you considered Quirell who like Rose was a very panicky person who'd stutter all the time and Bellatrix couldn't stand him, and yet she found herself drawn to Rose. Then again Rose didn't have Voldemort attached to the back of her head.

Bellatrix sighs as she ran her finger around the rim of her glass, This peculiar woman really did catch the attention of Bellatrix, which had never been an easy task, and yet, Rose did it within minutes, as though it was indeed the easiest thing on the planet. And Bellatrix had no idea how or why.

A knock to the door caught the ravenette's attention, downing the rest of her wine she then headed to the two large dark oak doors, opening only one.
"Minerva, what a pleasant surprise." The witch smiles stepping aside to allow the woman in.
"We need to talk." Minerva removes her hat and cloak and handing them to the little elf beside Bellatrix.
Before the elf had chance to speak Bellatrix arches her brow.
"Kreacher remember what I told you."
"Yes Mistress Bellatrix." He nods, mumbling something under his breath, Bellatrix chuckles, rolling her eyes at the little grumpy elf.
"It's a good thing he likes you, I'd hate to see him with someone he hates."
"He was originally with Sirius, but they just couldn't see eye to eye. He's not even that bad... Sirius reckons he has the same attitude as me towards people but I just don't see it." Bellatrix shrugs.
"He may have a point." Minerva smirks.
"Just what are you insinuating Minerva?" Bellatrix arches her brow.


"So Minnie, What did you want to speak to me about?" Bella smiles offering her some wine.
Minerva arches her brow.
"Oh of course sorry, my bad." Bella places the bottle down and summons the fire whiskey.
"How silly of me." Bella smiles pouring the elder witch a glass.
"Thank you." Minerva smiles taking a sip.
"You don't have to pretend to like Rose for my sake you know. I mean I really do appreciate it. But you don't have to, though I do want you to remain civil with her." Minerva lowers her tumbler to her lap.
"Pretend to like Rose? Since when have I pretended to like people Minerva?" Bellatrix furrows her brows,
"I don't pretend to like anyone so why would Rose be an exception?" Bella brings the wine to her lips.
"So you're not pretending?"
"No, I actually...don't find her annoying. She's...unique, I like that." Bella sips her wine, finding amusement in Minerva's baffled expression.
"I'm not some monster who hates everyone, you know...just mostly everyone" Bella grins,
Minerva chuckles.

"Truth is sweetheart, both me and Severus were quite confused the other night. You were so sweet to her and I'm pretty sure you threw in a few flirtatious comments. Then you kissed her cheek." Minerva arches her brow.
"Well I like Rose, And I can tell she's a good and honest person, and she seems so innocent, almost child like. She's adorable." Bella smiles. Minerva sips her whiskey.
"And I'll kill anyone who hurts her." Bella said a matter of factually, causing Minerva to almost choke.

"I don't think that's the way to go sweetheart." Minerva pats the girl's hand.
"But I appreciate it." Minerva smiles though slightly startled.
"And yes I did flirt but nothing bad, and I kiss you and Severus on the cheek all the time."
"Yes but sweetheart that's not the same and you know it. I mean you barely know Rose."
"Not yet I don't, but I will." Bella smiles


Minerva sat in bed, book in hand, though she wasn't paying any attention to the book. Her mind focused on Rose, and just what she was going to do with her when she went back to work. She couldn't leave her alone, not now, not after she'd lost everything she held dear to those vile monsters. Rose was in no fit state to be left alone, and Minerva hated to think what the blonde would do if she were to be left alone.

Rose had always had a companion, but her latest companion a red headed girl fled as soon as she saw the people in masks, leaving Rose to defend for herself, Minerva honestly didn't know how Rose survived, she'd seen the blonde  do magic under pressure.

Minerva was so lost in her mind she hadn't felt the bed dip with the weight of the man beside her, nor did she notice when he moved the book from her hands and placed it on her bedside table, however warm lips against her bare shoulder definitely caught her attention.
"Severus..." she smiles enjoying the attention.
"What were you thinking about?" He whispers, his voice sending shivers down her spine.
"I'm Kissing you, and your thinking about Rose?" He trails out, his face not looking at all impressed, though he knew what she meant before she even spoke the words, he just couldn't help himself sometimes,
"What? No! No! It's just I'm going to have to go back to work at some point, but I'm worried about Leaving Rose alone."
"Then don't leave her alone." He pulls the woman closer.
"And just who am I supposed to leave her with?"
"Now here's a thought, how about Bellatrix." Snape states as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"You don't think I've thought about that? But I can't very well ask Bellatrix to babysit Rose whilst we're at work."
"Oh give over Minerva, she'd love it. Rose already has her complete attention and she's been here what? A few days...and besides I'd like to see anyone try and harm Rose with Bellatrix around." Snape couldn't hide a slight smirk at the memory of his dear friend's shortly fused temper, especially when you press the wrong buttons.

"I suppose I could bring it up." Minerva smiles, giving into her husband's touch, allowing him to push her down until she no longer sat up, instead she lay down whilst his hand caressed her stomach and his lips found the delicate part of skin on her neck.
"Stop thinking about it now, you're here with me." He places little tender kisses before gently pinching the skin between his teeth.

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