Chapter 4

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A few weeks later

"Minerva what do you mean you can't come. You planned this. You can't just drop out." Rose follows her cousin around the house.
"I know sweetheart but there's an important meeting I have to attend at Hogwarts. Besides you and Bellatrix can still go for lunch."

Rose freezes
Lunch. Alone. with her. The dark goddess.
The enchantress. With her gorgeous lips and those bambi eyes. God no, I can't be left alone with her. No, No, No. You'll embarrass yourself then she'll hate you! No you can't be trusted alone with her.

"Minerva I really don't think that's a good idea. I'll do something stupid and-and..and she'll hate me! Then I'll hate myself because I made her hate me! Then you'll hate me because-"
"Rose calm down. No one will hate you." Minerva takes hold of Rose's arms stopping them from frantically swinging around.
Rose inhales, tears threatening to fall.
"Sweetheart dry those eyes. Nobody hates you Rose, okay?" Minerva smiles pulling the woman into a hug.
"I love you honey and nothing can change that. Severus loves you believe it or not but he does. And you've managed to creep your way into Bella's heart, within a very short time might I  add, which is unbelievable because she doesn't really like people and it usually takes her a while to warm up to people. But once you're in her heart there's no way out, trust me I know." Minerva places a kiss on the woman's head.

Once the sniffling quieted down Minerva released her cousin.
"Honey if you really don't want to go, we can cancel. I just thought that because I couldn't go, doesn't mean you couldn't go and enjoy a lunch with Bella." Minerva brushes a strand of blonde hair behind her ear.
A knock at the door caught their attention.
"Hello ladies." Came the voice of Bellatrix Black.

Rose froze as the woman saunters towards them.
"I got your letter Min, it's a shame you can't make it, I was really looking forward to lunch out with my girls." Bella sighs sitting down on the settee.
"Everything alright Rose? You seem...tense. It's as though you saw a ghost." Bella smiles.
Rose swallows and just nods, unable to speak.
Bella tilts her head slightly.
"You sure you can't come Minnie?" Bella directs her attention to Minerva who took a seat in her chair.
"I wish I could dear, but unfortunately I must attend a meeting with Albus." Minerva summons some tea for the three.
Minerva arches her brow at her cousin who continues to stand their like a statue quite obviously staring at Bellatrix.

Bella chuckles
"You know Rose, if you're going to stare, at least make it less obvious." The smirk was evident on Bella's lips.

Rose's eyes widen at the realisation that she had in fact been staring and what made matters worse was she stood right in front of the girl who had caught her attention, not to mention Bellatrix so obviously caught her doing it.

For God's sake! What is wrong with you! Why were you staring!! Now she'll definitely hate you. She probably thinks you're a creep. You stupid stupid woman. This is the only person apart from Minerva and Severus who actually tolerates you and now you've blown it.
Damn it.

The current expression on Rose's face reminded Bellatrix of a deer caught in headlights, though she found it to be adorable she couldn't help feel guilty for being the reason behind that expression.

Minerva sat quietly sipping her tea, watching as the scene unraveled before her.

" mean...uh" Rose mumbles blinking furiously as she fiddles with her rings.
"Come sit Rosie." Bella smiles tapping the space beside her.
Rose shook her head backing away.
"Please, I won't bite." Bella flutters her lashes and pouts her bottom lip.
Rose swallows, her hands suddenly very sweaty, how could she say no to that. Those perfect eyes pleading with her and those luscious red lips pouting, it was impossible.

Bellatrix could see the wheels turning inside Rose's head but smiled triumphantly as the woman gave in and walked towards her then took the seat beside her.

Minerva continued to watch a slight smirk on her lips. She definitely agreed mentally to the idea of the pair becoming an item.
She'd never seen Bellatrix act like this before and Rose was a nervous person in general but she's never been this nervous before. The pair were completely different, and yet Minerva found them to be adorable Together. Oh yes before this year is over they'll be an item, with the help of her boys of course.


"Are you positively sure you can't come?" Bella asks Minerva as they walk to the door.
"Bella we've had this discussion." Minerva arches her brow.
"Ugh fine." Bella sighs placing a kiss on Minerva's cheek. She then approaches Rose who tenses slightly as Bella leans in.
Rose takes in the woman's musky scent, it definitely suited her.
Her mind suddenly became quite distracted as she noticed how low the girl's neckline on the dress actually went.

"You're still coming though, Right Rosie?" Bellatrix smiles taking the woman's hands in her own.
"Hmm?" Rose instantly directed her eyes to the girl's face, slightly panicked because the girl held her sweaty hands.
"Right." Rose said completely lost and confused and distracted by beautiful brown orbs that reminded her of chocolate.
"Wonderful. See you then." Bella smiles planting a kiss on Rose's cheek and before Rose could even proses to what she agreed to the girl had gone.

"I thought you didn't want to go" Minerva arches her brow.
"I-I panicked."
"Oh Rose." Minerva chuckles.

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