Chapter 5

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"Boys I have a favour to ask you." Minerva said looking at the two in front of her.
"Anything for you Minnie." Sirius winks.
"You've met Rose."
"Aye, a few days ago."
"Well she's going to lunch with Bella and she's a nervous person anyway... but she's even more nervous about the lunch, especially since I can't attend."
"Hold up, did you say Bella? As in my Bellatrix, the same girl who broke Lucius' Nose?" Sirius looked bewildered
"Do you know of any other?"
Sirius nudges James and grins.

"So what do you want us to do?"
"I want you to keep her distracted whilst Bella is there and to calm her down before she turns up."
"Aye aye captain." James grins as the pair salute to the woman.


The boys were either side of Rose as they walked her to the restaurant.
"So I've been told Bellatrix has clicked with you rather fast." Sirius grins
"Aye, I've heard that too. You must be quite special because I'm tellin' ya now, that doesn't happen. Bellatrix doesn't just automatically like someone. I mean I can count on one hand the amount of people she actually likes." James comments

Rose didn't exactly know how to respond, instead she looked at the floor feeling the heat in her cheeks.
"Right." Rose mumbles.
The boys chuckle.

"Whatever you do, don't fawn" Sirius said as he held the door open to the restaurant.
"Just ignore her" James agrees
"Indifferences. It's an aphrodisiac." Sirius nods.
"Oh look at you using big words." James smirks.
"Shut it you stag." Sirius spat playfully.
James laughs.
Rose was highly confused as to what was going on, but had no doubt in her mind Minerva put them upto this.

Sirius held the chair out as Rose sat down.
"Th-Thank you." Rose half smiles.
Sirius winks.
"Very little eye contact " James goes on and Rose frowns. As if she can't manage that?
Then again at their last encounter Rose practically turned to stone when she smiled at her and agreed to whatever left the ravenettes mouth, which is the reason she's here today.

She blocks out the continuing stream of instructions and mentally goes through how she will act again.

Right, No getting up when Bellatrix arrives, look over her shoulder or at the menu, do not say anything until Bellatrix starts the conversation, no eye contact.

"You'll be fine." Sirius smiles taking the woman's hand, stopping it from drumming the table.
"You're sweating." Sirius said, soon releasing the woman's hand.
"Yeah, look , I sweat." Rose snaps putting both her hands on her lap.
"Yeah Well don't." James places his hand on her shoulder.
"We'll see you later, have fun." Sirius puts his thumbs up then the pair leave.
"How do you reckon she'll do?"
"As long as she follows those rules she'll probably be going home with my cousin tonight. You know how she revels at being the centre of attention, and if what Minerva said is true, then I can guarantee that cousin of mine will try every trick in the book to keep Rose's attention on her and her alone. I mean if Rose's attention was always on her then all of a sudden she finds interest in something else..." Sirius grinned evilly, " oh yes, Bellatrix will be extremely pissed."

Rose sighs resting her head in her hands, and the boys were indeed right, good thing she packed a pair of laced gloves in her bag. The blond reaches for her gloves, placed them over her sweaty palms, however the sound of heels soon caught her attention.

Her head whips around to see the source of the sound. Bellatrix struts towards Rose, head held high, her curly ebony hair bouncing freely with each step. She wore black sunglasses covering her beautiful bambi like eyes. She wore a long black cloak that hid her figure.

"Rosie." Bella's blood coloured lips curve into a smile as she comes to a stop, and Rose just couldn't help it, She jumps out of her chair, taking Bella's hand with both of hers and barely remembering to let go again.
"Oh- Uh- Bella- Bellatrix!" She tumbles over her words nervously.

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