Chapter 1

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Minerva barges into Albus's office anger clear on her face as she flung the letter on his desk.
"Ah what is this my dear?" He leans forward in his chair to look at the paper.
"Another Bloody attack! And the victim is my cousin from Ireland." She snaps
He reads the letter.
"Her home is destroyed she has nothing, I'm her only living relative." Minerva inhales
" That's why I'm going to get her. And I'm asking for time off, just until she's settled, you know what she's like. I've never once missed a day off work, so I'm not taking no for an answer." Minerva folds her arms.
He stares at her for a moment before smiling.
"When will you be going? Will anyone be accompanying you?"
"Straight after this conversation. And Yes Bellatrix will accompany me. Severus has things to take care of."
"Very well, I clearly can't stop you, not that I would anyway."
"We'll collect my cousin then spend the night somewhere and she can collect some remains that survived."
"Very well, I'll give you time off Minerva to help Rose settle in, I take it she'll be living with you and Severus?"
"She has nowhere else to go."
"She's such a sweet and delicate child." He smiles.
"Take all the time you need Minerva. Though you can't get annoyed at me when you return if things aren't upto your standards." He smiles.
"I'll try." Minerva smiles then leaves.


"So where to now Minnie?" Bella asks the elder woman as she follows her down an alley.
"Give me your hand." Minerva quickly takes hold of her hand and apparates to their destination. Nothing but the remains of a building could be seen.
"Damn it woman." Bella growls clutching her stomach.
"Shh do you hear that?" Minerva hushes her young friend.
Crying could be heard, both women look at one another then head in the direction of the crying. Bella takes in the now destroyed house, feeling her insides twist in anger.

Minerva gasps at the sight before her clutching Bella's arm tightly.
"Damn it woman your cat claws are ripping into my skin!" She hisses then follows Minerva's gaze.
"Holy shit." Bella's eyes widen at the sight before her. A half collapsed wall with a fallen down pillar against it some broken furniture, most everything was burnt.
Her eyes fell upon a small metal door in the middle of the floor, and that's where the crying was coming from.
Stepping forward Bella attempted to open it but nothing happened.

"It's no use Bella, only Rose can open it." Minerva approaches the girl.
"Rose it's Minerva, can you open up please." Minerva spoke softly.
They could hear a mumble as the door opened.
Minerva uses her wand as a light as the pair walk down the stairs.
Bella casts a charm lighting up the entire room to reveal a messy blonde and pink haired woman sat in the middle of the floor her clothes torn her make up ruined and she clutched a tub of Nutella.

She attempted to stop crying at the sight of her cousin and the unknown woman in all black.
Minerva smiles sadly walking over to the woman and sat down beside her.
"It's alright Rose, I'm here now nothing will harm you." She pulls the woman into an embrace.

Bella almost smiles at scene before her.
"And here I thought you didn't have a heart." Bella comments as she walks closer.
Minerva could feel her cousin's body quiver.
"It's alright she's with me. She won't hurt you." Minerva attempts to calm the other woman.
Bella lowers herself to the floor and sat in front of the pair.
"Rose isn't it?" Bella smiles.

Rose looks at the girl through her teary eyes.
She had voluminous black curls, skin as white as snow, her lips the colour of freshly spilled blood and her eyes were simply beautiful.
If Rose didn't know any better she'd think the girl was a painting.

"Well I'm Bellatrix." She figured she'd leave her last name out, clearly the woman was in distress and it's not as if the name Black was associated with colourful and happy friendly people. No her name associates with, terror blood lust , murder, and death eaters. So maybe it wasn't the best time to do a proper introduction.

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