Chapter 14

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No one pays us any attention as we make our way to Fifth Circle Road.

It's not really a circle, although it goes around Base. Grandpa Louis told me that the plan was for the town to be built in rings around Base, expanding as it grew, but that didn't last beyond the first expansion, when people built where ever they felt like it, and they had to redo the roads around that.

With each expansion, they tried to make the next ring stick to the plan, but didn't succeed. Fifth Circle Road is the newest ring, and it's the one that diverges the least. It handled the expansion of ten years ago. It when Court became large enough to trigger the monster waves, and the wall had to be upgraded to stone. Before that, they were logs that were easy to take down and move as people settled here.

I have no idea what we're going to do when we need to expand again. It's not like if Base decides to expand. He can simply absorb everything within his area of influence, which includes his wall and the buildings on the other side, and remake that where he needs it.

He hasn't done it. The last time he expanded was before I was born. Not long after Court had enough people, they couldn't all live inside his walls anymore. I don't know exactly how far Base can reach past his walls, but I know he went up in level twice since setting them there.

"What's wrong?" Josie asks and I look at her.


She smiles. "You've been looking around like... I don't know, you never thought you'd see this place again?"

"Was I?" was I? I was looking, but it's not like I'm surprised I was back here. Right? I mean, there were a few times when I didn't think I'd make it back, make it out, but they are behind me, so this wasn't it, right?

She puts her arm in mine and...

What was I thinking about? The town, right?

"I'm just a bit surprise at how not special my return is." I motion around even as I feel like I'm making some excuse so I won't have to really explain myself. Not that I'm trying to.. What, hide something.

She chuckles. "Trust me, your father will make it special enough."

We turn once we Fifth Circle Road to head for the West Gate. Base has many of them, but West Gate is sort of me and dad's gate since that's the one we take when we go fishing.

"I guess he sent you to soften the punishment?"

"Base sent me. He let me know you were within the fields as soon as he sensed you. Your father probably isn't happy I knew you were back before he did."

Base sent Josie to welcome me home.

That makes me feel... surprisingly good.

"But yeah, no one's reacting to my return," I say, and yeah, I know. "I mean, I know it makes no sense to expect everyone to jump with joy that Dennis Carpenter's back with all parts intact, but... I guess the childish part of me hoped more people had worried."

"I worried," she says. "Those who matter worried. Your father was beyond worried. He showed up at my house demanding to know if we were together."

"My dad stepped beyond Base's walls?" Oh, I am in so much trouble if he was that worried.

"He headed right back in as soon as my parents confirmed you weren't there." She shrugs. "Not sure why he thought you'd be at my house, but yeah, he was back inside the walls minutes after."

Her statement hurts a little, as I have no problem imagining the two of us alone in her bedroom. Me taking off her—

Whoa there, Dennis. Calm the horses.

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