CH 17 - First Kiss

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First we had sex, then we watched a movie, and now we're eating pizza. It feels like we're in a relationship. I take a big bite out of the slice of pizza to hide a smile that spreads across my face.

I chew and swallow. "How come you didn't go with your family?"

"What do you mean?" He speaks with a full mouth, so the words come out hard to understand.

"I love family trips. How come you stayed home?"

"They didn't go anywhere together. Mom is visiting her sister for a weekend, dad is using the time that she's away to fuck his secretary, and Brian is using the time that they're both away to host a party at our summerhouse."

I stare at him. Part because what he said is personal, and part because it's fucked up.

"I'm sorry, I just assumed..." I let the words trail off. Chris didn't sound upset. What he described is a normal life to him. "How come you're not partying with Brian then?" I heard about the summerhouse parties the Mallon brothers organize from time to time. Parties that last up to 72 hours, serve both alcohol and drugs, and are "fucking awesome." I've obviously never been invited to one, so I don't know how much of what I heard is just a rumor.

"I'd rather fuck you than some random chicks at the party."

I take another big bite out of the slice. He likes me. He chose a weekend cooped up in a house with me over a "fucking awesome" party and hot girls that would be there.

Once we're done with pizza, I lick my fingers. I do it each time I eat with hands, nothing seductive about it. But when I raise my eyes, Chris is staring at me. There is hunger in his gaze. Even though he just ate. I kneel in front of him. He presses a finger to my lips. I suck it. Slowly. I swirl my tongue around it and bite it lightly. He groans. I repeat the sucking and licking and biting with each of his fingers. His breathing quickens, and his eyes turn from hungry to ravenous.

"On the couch." I run to the couch. I take off my shirt on the way. I'm about to take my pants off as well and get on all fours when Chris stops me. "No, leave them." I thought we were having sex. For a moment, I just stand there, confused. "On your back." I do as he says. I lay on my back. He never allowed me that before. My heart is pounding. Oh, Chris, please, let us have sex while gazing into each other's eyes. That's not what happens, but what happens is almost as good. Chris straddles my hips, lowers his head, and sucks on my nipples. I moan. I revel at the warm, wet feel of his mouth and the suction that sends tingles through my body.

"I knew piercings would look good on you. But these..." He tugs on my piercings. "These are fucking perfect." He raises his head and trails his fingers over my chest and stomach. His touch leaves a trail of goosebumps on my skin. "Beautiful." I'm not sure if he means piercings or me, but I still blush hard at his words. He's looking at me as if I'm precious. That makes me believe he meant what he said even more than the actual words. I'm happy. I'm just so happy. I raise my head a little and press my lips to his. I do it without thought. It's a sweet kiss, a "thank you for making me feel so good" kiss. But it breaks the magic of the moment. Chris tenses, and I know I made a terrible mistake.

He backhands me. "I'm not your fucking boyfriend." My head flies to the side. There is a metallic taste in my mouth. I stare at him. I think I'm in shock. My brain can't process what just happened. My cheek hurts, but my neck hurts more. I think something pulled in it. Chris grabs my shoulders and shakes me. "I'm not your fucking boyfriend. Do you understand that? I'm not your fucking boyfriend."

"Yes," I whimper. "I understand. Please." He stops shaking me. Then he stands up, moves to the other side of the couch, and turns on the TV.

My neck is twisted to the left. I try to move it, but I can't. It hurts. It hurts so much. I need to get home. Mom will know what to do. I stand up and make a few steps toward the door that leads out of the media room.

"Where do you think you're going?" Chris asks.

"Home." My voice comes out flat, emotionless.

"You're not going anywhere. I didn't cancel my plans with Brian to get laid once."

"Sex?" What's wrong with you? How can you think of sex after you almost broke my neck? "I'm not exactly in the mood for it." Now I'm half crying and half laughing. Isn't that a sign of a mental breakdown?

I continue to the door. Chris tackles me to the ground. I try to push him off, but he grabs my hands and twists them until it hurts. I remember the broken wrist. "I won't move. Please." He releases his grip on my hands and pushes my pants off. "No." Don't do this to me. "Chris, please." He pushes into me using spit as a lube. I read about his piercing. The Prince Albert. I read a lot of amazing things about it, but I also read it can cause tearing if not enough lube is used. Now I put all hope into the silicone-based one we used three hours ago.

Chris pounds into me with brutal thrusts. It feels like a punishment. My ass hurts. My stomach hurts. My face hurts. My neck hurts. But, most of all, hurts my heart. I thought there was something between us. I thought he liked me. I thought I was more to him than just a fucktoy. That illusion is shattered now. Tears slide down my face as I wait for him to finish.

After some time he pulls out and goes back to watching TV. I stand up and steady myself on the wall. His cum is running down my thighs. There are no traces of blood. I thank God for that small mercy.

"Can I go home now?" I sound defeated. Weak. Broken. I sound how I feel. "Can I go home now?" I repeat a bit louder. Because I don't think he even heard me the first time.

"Yes," he answers, dismissive.

I find a bathroom first. I don't dare to use a shower without his permission, but I clean up the best I can using wet wipes. Then I push a wad of toilet paper in my ass to stop more cum from coming out and change into clean clothes. I do it as fast as I can without moving my neck. I'm afraid Chris might change his mind and come after me.

I reach the front door with no more stops and step outside. For a moment, I'm frozen. Waiting to hear running footsteps behind me. Waiting to get the wind knocked out of me when Chris tackles me to the ground. But nothing happens. The tension in my body releases and my legs almost give out. Then I pull myself together. Time to go home.

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