More glitched

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Papyrus has been leaving his bone attacks in certain areas that lead to where he was at currently, it would help him keep from getting to lost within this void.

That and he's noticed that almost all of himself is a different color now, he couldn't tell you about his skull or face, the only parts not a different color ended up being his arms for right now.

His instincts just agreed to keep training and ignore the white void.

Which he agreed with, which is why he had so many attacks out as he trained, his attacks are different colors from the white void, so he's not completely seeing the white fully. And he's upped his training, heh, he's certain his brother wouldn't be able to dodge his attacks if he had ever attacked his brother while going full attack mode on his brother.

"Well now, my voice is completely different, darker slightly glitched. Huh. Interesting affects that this place has on me..." papyrus mumbled to himself as he dodged his attacks and fought back with certain attacks of his, taking on his own gaster blasters head on, not even dodging most of it.

He didn't care if he got injuries in this place, anything's better then focusing on the white void. Besides, he found out he was immune to his gaster blasters, which was interesting to know. Considering it pretty much melted whatever it touched.

Probably perks of being an executioner, papyrus shrugged it off.

After all, he needs to be able to get rid of those his brother fails to when he judges.

Which actually doesn't happen a lot, sans is usually able to deal with anyone he needs to judge. But there's been a few..that sans missed..

Probably didn't realize it either. Not like papyrus, besides what sans doesn't know, won't hurt him. He takes care of it anyways.

Always has, always will. He's always there to pick up after his brother, to pick up what sans doesn't do.

Sure it's annoying, but sans doesn't care, never has, never will. As far as papyrus is concerned anyways.

Besides, sans doesn't know anyways, and he'll probably never know unless he someone could check the past and watch it somehow.

Which will probably never happen anyways and As the executioner, the final punisher, it is HIS job to clean up after the judge, to take care of those that were judged and weren't judged, he can tell who deserves to be punished and who doesn't, it's apart of him, apart of his job, to know everything, to be able to do what the judge can't or failed at.

Everything that he does, has a reason to it, there are no action he doesn't do, that doesn't have a reason to it.

If he randomly dusts a monster, there's a reason why that monster was dusted.

And if he accepted grillby has his parent, well there's a lot of reason for it. Besides, grillby is trustworthy to him, he can tell grillby would never hurt him, would never become like some of the other despicable monsters that some of them have become in which he has dusted himself.

Some of course, he tortured the more...despicable ones..

But they DESERVED it, how could he ignore monsters that despicable? He couldn't, which probably made his reputation more...terrifying to everyone else, which, is a good thing, the more terrifying he seems to everyone else, the more the children will be safer and more somewhat innocents will be safer.

He may have a reputation he somewhat upholds due to needing to so there's less dust, but it is worth it, the children are a whole lot safer without those despicable monsters around, and other monsters are afraid of going after any child if any even dared to.

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