Chapter Seven

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John and Claudia decided very early on that they wouldn't prevent their son from meeting his soulmate, they wouldn't encourage it, but they wouldn't stop him either. The original plan was to tell Stiles that the Hale's used to live in Beacon Hills and had moved to Nevada to give him space to grow. That if Stiles wanted to meet his soulmate he could, but that they only ask that he at least finished college first, have a chance to live and make an informed decision on the risk he would be taking if he met Peter Hale.

When Claudia died, John still decided to honor that choice they made, after all pain was not exclusive to soulmates has, he had found out. He planned on telling Stiles when he was in high school though, when he was older and the death of his mother wasn't as fresh, it was a good idea he thought.

And it was.

Talia had other ideas though.

John met Talia at a bar, almost thought he was seeing a ghost given how long the Hales had been away from Beacon Hills (Ten years, three months and eleven days to be exact). But she had steadied him and smiled, offered to buy him another beer, and when he was done offered him a ride back to his house. By the time John was home he was stone cold sober and needed a drink. But more importantly, he had to go against his late wife's wishes, not that it was the hardest thing to do. He had already lost one great love, to his fearful mind, why should he lose a son as well.

"Mieczyslaw," his voice was loud in the quiet grief filled home, "Mieczyslaw come down here please."

"Yes Daddy," the voice of his ten-year-old called from the kitchen. When John turned to the room, he saw his son cooking mac and cheese and for a moment his hesitated. Afterall, although he was protecting his son, he would also be taking away a part of him too.

John sat him down anyways, and he told his son what Talia told him to tell him, but it was the truth though. If his son found Peter he would die and leave John alone, but he didn't need to know that fate wouldn't be the one to kill him. And he didn't need to know that his potential killer was listening from across the street, her eyes gleaming a dark blood red.

He did need to know one thing though, that Mieczyslaw will have to die with Claudia, along with all the decision they had made for him. Afterall, that's the only way for Stiles to live. 

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