Chapter Twelve

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Talia POV:

A mother shouldn't have favorite children. It's an unspoken rule that all parents – but especially mothers – follow. However, it's also an unspoken truth among parents that there is always a favorite child. Always a kid that you're a little prouder of, a child that you're lenient towards, a child that you'd move a bit faster to move mountains for.

Then again, it might just be how Talia feels when it comes to her children. Either way, in this moment Talia wondered how much of her favoritism had resulted in her youngest daughter betraying her.

"Cora and Uncle Peter won't be in too much trouble, will they?" Her youngest son asked, his scent taking on a worried and regretful tint. Talia put on a comforting smile and pulled Derek into a hug.

"Of course, not Derek," she lied easily, "Honestly, I'm sure there's a logical explanation for all of this. Just let your mother – and your Alpha – get to the bottom of all of this."

When Talia released Derek from their hug, he has a smile on his face and smells relieved. The two of them walk to the office door but before Derek can open the door Talia stops him.

"Now Derek," Talia's eyes bleed red and her alpha's voice comes out, "Let's keep any talk about Peter Hale's soulmate between the two of us."

"Yes Alpha," Derek replies quickly with his neck barred in submission.

Once Derek finally leaves Talia makes way to her desk and grabs two vials of potion from the drawer.

Peter POV:

Peter realized- when faced with the sight of the Stilinski house – that he had no idea what he was doing. If what he was doing was actually the right move or not. Sure, Peter, might want to throw caution to the wind and meet his soulmate. But maybe Mieczyslaw had more to lose than him? Afterall, why else would his soulmate never try to reach out...

Still, as Peter looked at the letter in his hand, he should still try. The worst thing that could happen is Mieczyslaw ignores the letter. If that were to happen Peter isn't quite sure what his next move would be. The pack still wouldn't be the best option, but to go off on his own? To risk omega status.

It was the sound of footsteps coming from behind him that caused the wolf to turn around quickly. The letter that was in his hands fell to the ground, landing between himself and a tall young man. Peter couldn't help but stand still; mouth a gap.

The man in front of him smelt of nature and ozone. His eyes, which looked at Peter in amazement, were a dark amber whiskey. And if Peter followed the consultation of moles and freckles on his neck, he'd be faced with sharp collarbones.

"You're Peter Hale," The man said suddenly.

"I am," Peter replies. He's never seen Mieczyslaw before this moment. Never heard his voice, never had the chance to smell his scent. All those things were ripped away from him without his consent years ago.

But now, he's three feet away from the very person his wolf has been itching to be near for what feels like decades. Instinctively Peter steps closer before halting and taking a step back. He can't help but be relived at the disappointed look on Mieczyslaw's face as a result.

"You must be Mieczyslaw," he finally replies

Peter leaned down to grab the almost forgotten letter from the ground. Placing it on the mailbox next to them he took another step back – heading in the direction of the preserve that backed the Stilinski home.

"You should read the letter before making any decisions Mieczyslaw," Peter warned, the thoughts of what exactly his Alpha put him through filling his mind.

He watched as Mieczyslaw grabbed the letter, looking at it for a moment before returning his gaze back to him.

"But how will I be able to contact you when I decide to choose you?" His question left no room for doubt and while Peter logically knew nothing like this could be certain; he couldn't help but fill with hope.

The words contact and when rolling over and over in his mind. The certainty of them causing his wolf to rumble in a mix of content and excitement. Still, he keeps his now backward pace towards the wood before calling out.

"You'll have to read the letter to find dear soulmate," Peter smiled for the first time in what felt like a long time and made his way deep into the preserve.

He wondered how quickly he could get back to the pack house before they noticed his departure. That was his last thought before he blacked out. 

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