Chapter 15

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Stiles' forearm stung under the strength of Talia's grip as she pulled him from the car and towards the entry of the Hale's home. Silence had filled their trip after Talia had dragged him form the pavilion. The appearance of the timer derailing her from her attempts to kill him. However, Stiles wasn't sure how long that would last or how long the timer would last either. He still isn't sure just how it got there. As far as he knows he and Peter hadn't touched in anyway.

They stop just before the house. Stiles cranes his head up to fully take in the house and it's looming presence. The sun helps the building cast a shadow over both himself, Talia, and the entire driveway. Stiles tries to imagine his soulmate growing up in this home; which looks as if it's more suited for 14th century high society than modern day living. There's movement from the highest window, as if someone was watching from behind the curtain and scurried away. He can't help the warm feeling of hope that bloomed in his chest at the possibility of that being Peter.

"You will not speak to anyone without my permission once we enter," Talia said. Stiles turned to look at her, his eyes meeting her red glowing ones.

"You'll need to be checked over by our mage to confirm that the mark is real, because I wouldn't put it past my brother to try tricks," she continued as they made their way to the back of the house.

Panic started to fill Stiles as he realized the little time, he thought he would have to figure out what the hell is happening had just evaporated. He let out a grunt as Talia's fingers dug into his arm even more in her rush to pull him towards a door that led to a cellar.

Stiles' fight and flight finally kicked in at the sight of the endless dark hall that the door opened to. He started to claw at Talia's fingers, a desperate attempt to free himself, as he finally let out a scream.

"Let me go!" his yell filling the empty air, "You've already seen the timer, just let me free. Do you know who my dad is? The Sheriff!"

Pulling the cop card had a low chance of actually working. Especially in this extreme situation, but Stiles had to try. If only to buy just a little more time to plan better, find Peter, and make an escape.

"He'll notice I'm missing and then the entire police station will be brought out to find me," he continued. But Talia kept moving as if he said nothing. She hadn't even flinched when his fingernails broke skin and Stiles wondered if that had anything to do with the way her skin stitched itself back together.

They were closer to a metal door now, having walked down a long hall which was lined with low flood lights. At this point Stiles was pretty sure that the Alpha wasn't going to say anything more to him outside of her earlier command. But when she opened the door and tossed him into an empty concrete room she smiled.

Crooked and stretched across her face, and her eyes seemed to take on a deeper hue of red. "He'll notice you're missing? Good. Maybe they'll he'll know that I always follow through on my threats."

The door was slammed shut before Stiles could even get a word out. Not that he knew what to say, because he was stuck processing Talia's words and their implications. His dad knew who and where Stiles' soulmate was. Talia always knew where he was and went as far as to threaten his father to prevent Peter from ever meeting him.

The promise he had made with his father all those years... Where they really a result of a grieving husband clinging to the last of his family? Or because of a threat made to his son's life? It didn't even matter at this point. It did though, because now Stiles' wonders how long the threats went and how extensive it was. Was it enough to drive his father to drinking? If it was...then...Stiles could very be the reason why his father drinks so much.

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