Chapter Ten

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16 years and six months ago....

The twenty-third of September was always a weird time amongst the pack. The house would take on a quieter tone and the pack always seemed to give him a wide berth. Not that Peter minded, as he always found himself in a terrible mood every year on the day anyways.

Still, if he ever gave the yearly actions any thought longer than a few moments, he could admit that something was amiss. He would recognize the sense of longing and hints of betrayal that was burred within himself. He'd also admit how his wrist seemed to take on a new extremity of phantom itch during September – but especially on the twenty-third.

It wasn't until he was eighteen that Peter developed an almost unhealthy fixation on his left wrist. He knew he stared at to too much and too long, and that when he got irritated or tired, he would start to rub it unconsciously. Still, he never felt the need to worry about it. After all, Deaton – the packs emissary and unofficial doctor – had explained it just a habit. The same as if he picked his nails or bit his lip.

He would grow out of it eventually.

Yet, what Peter never mentioned to anyone, was how if the light shone just right or he stared long enough; he could see white lines there. Or that if he rubbed his thumb on his wrist at just the right angle, he could feel a scar that seemed almost endless.

He thought about it once, telling Talia and Denton, asking if he experiencing something caused by magic. But every time he attempted, he'd feel reluctant and his wolf seemed to crying out in pain.

Still, he almost managed once, funny enough it was right around September. He approached Talia with a book he found about soulmates in hand. He had planned to ask her if the magic that affected him might have been similar to the magic that affected humans.

However, as soon as Talia saw the book her eyes flashed red in anger. Her domineering presence filled the room causing Peter to shrink in on himself and bare his neck in submission.

"Why do you have that book?" Her voice filled the room and if it weren't for the soundproofing of the space would've taken over the noise of house as well.

By now Peter had straightened up in stature, tough his neck still bared as he replied, "It's a part of the Hale library, am I not allowed to look at books that belong to us?"

"And what would a wolf need with a book about soulmates?"

"For research," he replied, "Just because we aren't effected by the same cursed magic as humans, doesn't mean it hurts to know more about it, my dear sister."

At his reply Peter could almost visibly see the tension leave the room as his sister's anger was replaced with a smile. At her motion to sit in front of her desk Peter finally stopped bearing his neck and sat down.

"You're right Peter," Talia conceded, "how can I help you with your research then?"

Originally Peter was going to ask about his fixation with his wrist and how there might be magic tied up with it. But after the previous display, he decided that maybe it would be best to approach someone who is dealing with the soulmate curse. He could ask them questions to see if there are any similarities between the two situations.

"Do you know anyone who has a soulmate? Preferably with magically inclinations."

There was silence in response, at first Peter thought it was her pondering about it, but he realized her eyes were directed at him and searching. And in response he couldn't help but let his thumb brush against his wrist, a habit, that chose to rear its head at this moment.

"No," she finally answered, "But now that you mention it, there is a pack further north that might know of some people. We have some pack land up there actually, maybe we can spend a few weeks there to do some research?"

Talia's POV One year before the move....

"Deaton just give me a straight answer: Will he or won't he have his memory triggered by being back in Beacon Hills?"

".... The memory altering should hold up as long as he's not faced with any triggers. Such as his soulmate, the Stilinski's, or the pack mentioning the rules that you enforced about him."

"That shouldn't be too hard. I can just keep Peter in the preserve as much as possible and just make sure that the Stilinski boy doesn't run into him. Perfect." 

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