Chapter Eleven

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Peter felt as if in his mind there were walls that were crumbling down and letting in forgotten memories. Suddenly he could remember all the times he'd come so close to figuring out that he had a soulmate only to have Talia or Deaton intervene and alter his memories again. He could now understand why Talia seemed to come up with excuse after excuse to keep the pack away from Beacon Hills.

He could remember the hopeful feeling he had when he first saw the name Mieczyslaw on his wrist all those years ago. How could Talia – his sister, his alpha – keep this away from him for so long?

It was Cora suddenly hugging him that broke him away from his onslaught of thoughts. He let himself lean on her shoulder as they both tried to process what was happening in silence. After a few moments Peter let himself step back and quickly wiped away the few tears that had escaped.

"What are you going to do Uncle Peter?" Cora asked, her voice now in a low whisper, suddenly mindful of the rest of the pack that was on the first floor.

"I don't know," Peter replied, "I need to think. I'm suddenly remembering that I have a soulmate...."

"You're not going to run to him, are you?" Cora asked, "I mean, there is still the curse to worry about. You could die Uncle. And I know Mom was wrong, but still the fact that—"

Peter felt a growl emerge from his chest at the mention of Talia, "I'm not going to run off and try to find my soulmate. Please give me more credit. I just need to think Cora, I won't do anything rash. I just need to process all of the memories and emotions that I had taken from me."

"Okay," Cora easily agreed, "But at least tell me what we should do about the pack and us now knowing."

"We'll pretend we still know nothing," Peter supplied, "I don't want to cause a rift in the pack and I need to think about all the outcomes that could occur with your mother learning that I now have my memories."

Cora nodded in agreement. Peter watched as she tried to go for a hug again before aborting halfway and turning to make her way downstairs. He watched in silence for a few moments before turning and making his way back to his room.

It wasn't until he was in the safety of his den that he felt himself relax. Bringing up his wrist he let himself take in the name that covered his wrist in silver lines – Mieczyslaw Stilinski. He recalls that there was a deputy many years ago who had the same last name, was it a brother? A son?

He desperately wanted to search the name, even going as far as cashing in on old favors to do so, but he was worried about Deaton. Now that Peter's memory is intact, he can remember all the other times he had come to close to learning the truth and the druid had intervened. He has no doubt that searching certain phrases and names would notify the man and in turn his own sister.

He remembers now, just how much he craved to be the center of someone's universe. How he planned to risk his life just so he could spend a year feeling loved without expectations. He's glad he didn't, if only because he now realizes that he could have cut his soulmates life short as well.

But still, there as to be a way for him to get in contact with him, without physically touching each other? Someway that is also untraceable by his pack. He wants to get to know Mieczyslaw, or at least let him know that Peter didn't run away from him. He wants to give the two of them to make the choice themselves if they want to take the risk or not.

He'd rather not use his youngest niece if he could help it. While he's sure that Cora doesn't agree with the way that Talia handled things, and that she won't tell Talia that he remembers, she's still not going to risk Peter falling to the curse. Or her classmate for that matter if she happens to be friends with him.

Peter looks to his desk when an idea hits him. He could leave Stiles a note – a letter – as a way to contact him. It can't be traced and as long as they leave it in a place where they both can find it...

Peter finds himself grabbing a pen and paper before making his way out the house as silently as possible.

Cora POV

Cora expected Peter to spend time in his room for a while, but when the third movie was ending with no sight of her uncle, she grew worried. He's never missed a pack night as long as she could remember – even when he had gotten into tiffs with members in the pack. After a moment of hesitation, she left to see if he was still in his room.

What greeted her was an empty space and a cracked open window. She suddenly remembers how she dangled information about her uncle in front of Stiles the other day. How she was mostly doing it out of boredom and with no thought. Now, faced with a missing uncle, she suddenly feels a panic make its way through her. What if her uncle went to see Stiles? What if he dies? What if their meeting causes Stiles to die?

She didn't want to cause anybody to lose their family because of her meddling.

"Cora!" Derek grabbed her arm causing the teen to refocus on her surroundings, "Why are you staring at Peter's room like a lunatic?"

"Derek, I think I made a mistake," Cora replied quietly, "Come in here."

She pulled Derek further into Peter's room and shut the door; sealing out the noise from the rest of the house. Silence incased the room as Cora paced around the space trying to sort her thoughts.

"'re worrying me," Derek says, stepping in front of her path to stop her walking, "What's wrong? Is it Uncle Peter?"

"You can't tell Mom," Cora's voice took on a strength that was previously lacking, "I mean it Derek. What I'm about to tell you, you can't tell Mom. I promised and she'll flip."

"Promised who? And what, why?"

Cora sat on a chair and pulled Derek to sit on the one opposite of her. "I promised Peter, and because neither of us are supposed to know. Promise me Derek."

"Fine, I promise. Now what's wrong?"

Cora took a deep breath before looking her brother in the eyes. "I think Uncle Peter went to find his soulmate." 

I Was Meant To Die In Your Arms (Steter)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz