Chapter Six

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Talia was in a campaign meeting when she got the text from Deaton. Her campaign manager was going on about how the Hale name can only go so far before she must show that she can connect with the people of Beacon Hills still. However, her eyes were locked onto her phone, and she could feel them trying to bleed red in a mix of dread and anger.

Deaton: I got a ping on the boy searching up Peter Hale.

[sent 12:00:00pm]

Deaton: Should we continue as planned?

[sent 12:00:03pm]

"Excuse me Mr. Harken," Talia said cutting off her manager suddenly, "I actually have a family emergency occurring. If you could forward me the rest of the information that would be great. And I will work on my.... personability."

She walks out of the office before anyone could ask what they could do to help or offer any niceties. Her phone already to her ear as she dialed the number to her emissary. Her pace was quick as she made her way to her car, careful to keep her speed at a human pace.

Talia couldn't believe that after all these years that the Sheriff's boy was finally looking into her younger brother. Not that she'll admit it to anyone, but she actually started to believe that he wouldn't be a problem. Afterall, everyone knows that the kid was just one bad day away from a psychotic ward or worse. Plus, she figured that the threat that she left with John all those years ago would be enough to deter any curiosity on the family's part.

Now years later she's in front of Deaton's office again, asking for help again, and hoping it will work again. She didn't jump though when a tap tap noise beat against the window of her car. Turning her head to the man who's the cause of it, she's met with someone who couldn't be any older than Cora. Floppy hair, brown eyes, and a concerned smile. Teenager, Scott, her mind supplies.

"Hello Scott," her smile was wide as she unclenched her hands from the wheel, "How is your mother doing?"

She watched as Scott's smile turned from concerned to ecstatic as he moved back from the car. The smell of grateful filled the air as she took her time stepping out from her car and grabbing her bag from the back.

"Oh, she's doing great Mrs. Hale!" the teen rushes to say, "We really appreciate the good word you put in at the hospital to help get my Mom the position of head nurse!!"

"That was all your mom's talent Scott," which will come in handy some day Talia thought, "All I did was get the board to pay closer attention."

They start to walk to the employee entrance of the vet office, chatting some more about Scott's attempts to join the lacrosse team and how he's been able to really start getting the hang of taking care of the animals, when they finally reached the back room. Turning fully towards the boy, Talia pulls on another smile- placating- and lays a hand on his shoulder.

"I actually am here to speak to Deaton about some important matters Scott," her smile tightens, "maybe take the day off early huh? I'll let the big man know it was my idea."

"Oh," Scott's tone disappointed and confused, "Okay Mrs. Hale. Have a good evening!"

Once the Hale Alpha knew that Scott was fully out of the building, she turned to the wall next to her and opened the glamour covered door. Walking inside she's met with Deaton hunched over an old book mumbling under his breath as he stirred a black liquid in a pot. He only looks up when she closes the door behind her, her eyes flashing red along with the slam.

"So," her voice steady and finally conveying all the fear and slight anger she's been felling since the meeting earlier today, "How do you suppose we fix this Deaton?" 

I Was Meant To Die In Your Arms (Steter)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin