not easy. chapter 1

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It's not easy , It really isn't,  thousand of thoughts running through my mind , it's almost impossible to not break down in tears as I hear "you're fucking worthless" , "why are you so ugly?" , I can't ignore them. "HEYYYY" lizzie screams in my ear , I think they just exploded , "OH my god liz,  when will u stop?" , "Never" she says almost sarcastically I can't tell if she means it or not. "So how have been  things for u?" She breaks the silence after a while , "they're ok , you?" I question her , "yeah they're
not bad" she says , "hey so-" the bell rings.  "Nevermind I gotta go to maths see you later lizzie." I say disappointed, "yea ok"
I sit down in my seat , thinking why this stupid ass class was made in the first place not like anybody wants to learn it , A girl sits down next to me , "hi!" She says high pitched . "Oh hi." I say smashing my head on my desk being drained as fuck. "RIGHT PAGE 254 PLEASE." teacher screams,  god can she be any fucking louder.
I wake up as I'm being shooken awake by my partner , "what do you want" I look at her not breaking eye contact . "Its time to get up,  class ended " she says , I groan and start to stand up picking up my bag from the floor. "Move." I say , she moves away but I can feel her following me , "what do you fucking want then?"
She looks at me.
"Your name?" , I look at her annoyed rolling my eyes , "it's jess." She just looks at me , "the depressed one or..." , "yes the depressed one now get out of my sight."I say sighing
I still don't get why I'm known as that is it cuz I look like it or just act like it?
I drag myself to the cafeteria know that if I don't sit down I'll collapse on the floor and pass out
I take a seat on a bench next to lizzie and other annoying students that just stare at me in disgust . "I know ,  I'm so pretty right but there's no need to stare." I say knowing I look like absulote shit right now.
"Alright calm down jess" says lizzie in shock that I finally defend myself.
I just look at her and take out my food taking my first bite which feels like heaven cuz I haven't eaten everything since I took step in this hell
The bell rings I pack my containers in my bag again and step away from the bench glad the days over.
It feels so good to be outside , is this how heaven feels like?
I pull out my keys and twist them into my front door , I push and step foot into my  house taking off my shoes , "hey" my mum greets me , "hi" I say plainly mostly cuz I couldn't care less about her . I walk to my room and the first thing I grab is my phone as I just throw myself onto my bed I i click on tiktok and start scrolling. I change into my pjs and just start sleeping because I'm just so drained it's not possible not to sleep.
If someone actually reads this I'll be shocked this was my dream tysm another chapter coming out today💗

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