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  After a 'hard' training day, which wasn't nothing compared to the torture your father made you go through every single day, you found yourself at the cafeteria

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  After a 'hard' training day, which wasn't nothing compared to the torture your father made you go through every single day, you found yourself at the cafeteria.

The food there was determined by your ranking. The higher it is, the better the food.
Maybe you would think that it was reasonable in another circumstance, but not when you were ranked #297 out of 300 boys.

'So unfair...'

The food you got was salad. To be honest, you didn't really care about it, but at home you had to follow a really strict diet, (your father followed your eating habits every moment, so thoughtful of him, right?), so you somewhat hoped that you could eat something other than raw vegetables and sugar-free cereals that tasted like chicken food.

At least you didn't have natto or pickled radish. Ew. Does that even have enough protein to make someone gain some muscles? You almost felt bad for Isagi and Igarashi.

You searched for a free table, you were used to eating alone anyway, and changing that habit of yours wasn't on your bucket list.

"Yo [l/n]!" A voice called you, stopping you in your tracks. You looked at your right, noticing Meguru waving his hand at you.

'Him again? Is this boy everywhere..?'

"Come sit with me!" He offered, patting the empty seat at his left.
You doubted a little bit, narrowing your eyes as you thought about his offer. Would it be too rude if you just ignored him?

"We can also share our food! Look, I have stir-fried with leek!"

Okay, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to accept.

Walking to the table he was sitting at, you sat down in front of him, instead of at his left. He pouted at your actions, but dismissed your sitting choice quickly, as he adverted his gaze at your food tray.

"Woah, you have salad? That's sad" he tilted his head, his voice full of pity.

"...I know" you rolled your eyes.

"Don't worry, Meguru Bachira here will save you from the evil gross salad! Here, you can eat of my food too!" He chuckled.

You, on the other hand, didn't know how to react or feel about his lame (but nice) jokes.

'...why is he acting so kind? Does he still feel guilty because of what happened at the game of tag? Or does he just want something in return?' 

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