Chapter Eleven

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When all the pizza had been eaten, the next film was put on.

Grantaire felt Enjolras put his head on his shoulder and he had to resist the urge to kiss the blonde. He knew that it would screw everything up but, God, how he wanted to kiss those full, pink lips and run his hands through his soft, blonde curls.

It was then that Grantaire noticed that Eponine had moved. She was now sitting facing forward, her right leg up on the sofa, her arms wrapped around it. Her head was resting on Courfeyrac's shoulder. Courfeyrac kept looking at her, as if he were trying to decide whether or not to do something.

A little while later, a movement in the corner of Grantaire's eye drew his attention to them again. Courfeyrac reached around Eponine and grabbed his drink from the set of drawers, took a sip and placed the drink back down. But he didn't put his hand back in his lap. He placed it gently on Eponine's shoulder and pulled her closer. She nuzzled into his shoulder and placed a hand on his chest.

Grantaire saw Cosette smirking, but apart from her, no one else seemed to notice. He caught Eponine's eye and she blushed, looking back to the TV immediately. Grantaire coughed to stop himself from laughing.

"The last film now!" Marius said, snapping Grantaire out of his thoughts.

Feuilly got up and put the final film on. The night was almost over.


When the film was over, Grantaire realised what he had forgotten to tell Enjolras.

"Crap, I didn't tell you to bring pyjamas, Enjy." he said.

"I brought some, actually. I figured we'd end up staying the night." he replied.

Grantaire nodded, impressed.

"Speaking of that, we need to sort out the sleeping arrangements." said Jehan.

"Why don't Grantaire and Enjolras take R's bed?" Cosette suggested. Grantaire opened his mouth to object, but stopped when Enjolras spoke up.

"Yeah, I'm cool with that." he said. Grantaire nodded in agreement, scowling at Cosette slightly.

"Me and Feuilly can sleep on the airbed in their room." said Joly.

"Marius and Cosette can sleep in my bed," offered Courfeyrac, "I'll take one half of the sofa."

"I'll take the single airbed." said Combeferre.

"Then Jehan and Lesgles can sleep on the other airbed and 'Ponine can sleep on the other half of the sofa." said Cosette. Everyone agreed to these arrangements.

"Sorted, then." said Feuilly.

"Sorted." repeated Grantaire, smiling at Enjolras. The blonde returned his smile.

Grantaire led Enjolras to his bedroom and began rifling through his drawers, looking for a T-shirt to wear to bed. Eventually, he chose his Oasis T-shirt.

When he turned around, he saw that Enjolras had removed his own T-shirt and was stood folding it up. Grantaire noticed the slight lines of definition where his muscles were and his breathing turned shaky. He turned away and slipped off his own T-shirt, quickly replacing it with his Oasis one.

"Oh my God, you like Oasis?" Enjolras asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"They're, like, my favourite band!"

"No way, me too!"

"What's your favourite song of theirs?"

"Don't Look Back in Anger."


"Oh my God, where have you been all my life?"

Grantaire cringed. He can't believe he let that slip out.

Enjolras smiled, drawing Grantaire's eyes to his lips. He couldn't stop himself. He started leaning towards Enjolras and the blonde mimicked his action. He looked into Enjolras' eyes until he closed them and he followed suit. Their lips were inches apart when Joly and Feuilly walked in.

"I promise I'll try not to snore, but-" Feuilly began, but stopped when Joly elbowed him. Realisation of what they just interrupted crossed both of their faces and they looked apologetically at Grantaire.

"Maybe we should go clean our teeth." suggested Joly.

"Good idea." agreed Feuilly, practically shoving Joly out of the room.

Grantaire looked back at Enjolras, but he merely smiled and pulled his T-shirt over his head. The moment was gone.

So as I'm sure you guys noticed, I've introduced a new ship here. If you guys really don't like it, I wont make it go any further but it's sorta significant to the ending and I do ship it so I'd like to keep it if possible but if not I can just change it. Let me know what you guys think! (Enjoltaire is still the main ship by the way) :)

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