Chapter Thirteen

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That night, Grantaire received a call from Eponine.

"R, can you do me a huge favour and look after Gavroche for a few hours on Thursday?" she asked, "I have some really important work to do."

"Sure, as long as you bring him over and pick him up."

"Yeah, sure. Thanks, R."

"No problem. See you."


Grantaire ended the phone call.


At about one o'clock, Eponine knocked on the door. Grantaire got up, walked up to the door and opened it, revealing the girl and her little brother, Gavroche.

"Grantaire!" cried the boy, throwing himself at the brunette.

"Hey! Be careful, you'll knock me over, you're so strong!" Grantaire laughed.

"Thanks again, R, this means a lot." said Eponine.

"It's no trouble." said Grantaire.

"Well, I'd better go. I'll come and get him between half three and four o'clock."

"Sounds great."

"Oh, and don't give him too much sugar." Eponine said, hiding her mouth with her hand so that Gavroche couldn't see what she was saying.

"I won't." Grantaire laughed.

"One more thing. Enjolras is coming over in ten minutes."

"What! Why?"

"Because I told him that you need help looking after Gavroche."

"But I have Courf."

"Nope. I'm going out for a coffee with 'Ferre. Bye!" said Courfeyrac, leaving the house.

"You two did this on purpose." Grantaire said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, look at that, I need to go. See you!" Eponine shut the door in Grantaire's face.

"I'm going to kill them." Grantaire said to himself.

"Who's Enjolras?" Gavroche asked.

"A friend of mine. You'll like him, don't worry."


"What do you want to do?"

"Can we paint?"


"Woo!" Gavroche galloped into the kitchen whilst Grantaire went into his bedroom to get paints, brushes and paper.

Just as they had gotten everything set up, there was another knock on the door.

"That must be Enjolras." said Gavroche, leaping up and running to the door and pulling it open. Sure enough, Enjolras was stood in the doorway.

"I take it that you're Gavroche?" he smiled.

"Yep. Come in, we're painting."

"Hey, Grantaire." Enjolras greeted him as he walked into the kitchen.

"Hey." Grantaire replied with a smile.

"Can you paint?" Gavroche asked Enjolras.

"Not very well, but I'll give it a go."

And so they began. Grantaire wasn't really paying attention to what he was painting; he was too busy watching Enjolras - the way he put too much pressure on the brush, how he frowned and stuck his tongue out in concentration.

"What are you painting?" Gavroche asked him. Grantaire looked down and it was only then that he realised what he was painting; Enjolras.

"Um, Enjolras, apparently." Grantaire blushed.

"Really? Can I keep it when it's finished?" asked Enjolras.


Enjolras smiled and went back to his painting.

When all three of them had finished, Gavroche said that they all had to show each other.

"I'll go first." said the boy, turning around his piece of paper. "It's the time me and Courf snuck up on Marius and tipped cold water over his head." They all laughed.

"You should give it to Marius, he'd love that." Grantaire joked.

"No, I'm gonna give it to Courf." Gavroche said.

"Good idea." smiled Enjolras, "Show us yours, R."

Grantaire held up his painting and Enjolras' jaw dropped open.

"It's amazing!" he gasped.

"It looks exactly like you." said Gavroche.

"Thanks." said Grantaire, handing it to Enjolras.

"Show us yours." Gavroche said to the blonde. Enjolras turned his painting around, revealing a wind-up robot.

"I thought Gavroche might like it." he blushed.

"I love it! Can I keep it?" Gavroche grinned. Enjolras nodded and handed him the painting.

"Not bad, Enjy." Grantaire smiled, "Not bad."

This chapter is dedicated to WhovianPickle , as she asked me to include Gavroche somewhere. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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