Chapter Sixteen

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Grantaire knew Eponine would take her revenge that night, but she didn't say a word all through the second film and Grantaire was beginning to get even more worried as to what she would do.

They agreed on the same sleeping arrangements as last time, despite Jehan's complaints. As Grantaire walked out of the living room, he saw Eponine whisper something to Joly and Feuilly. Eponine's revenge was about to take place.

He was halfway up the stairs when a hand grabbed his arm.

"Joly and Feuilly aren't allowed to go into your room until I say. Now, if you don't tell him you like him within ten minutes, I'm going to come in there and tell him myself. And trust me, you don't want me to do that." Eponine told him. She turned around and skipped back into the living room. Grantaire knew that he had no other choice than to tell Enjolras how he felt.

When he entered his bedroom, he found Enjolras, already in his pyjamas.

"Hey, Enjy?"


"What were you going to tell me earlier?"

"Oh, um, nothing."

"No, you brought it up so you have to tell me now."

"I don't want to."

Grantaire placed a hand on Enjolras' arm, "Hey, you can tell me anything, you know."

"Fine. Grantaire?"


"I...I...I'm in love you. There, I said it. I've loved you since the second I saw you and I knew I had to do something. I couldn't just let you walk out of my life. I'm sorry if this makes things awkward between us, I'll try to stop if it makes you really uncomfortable a-"

"Enjolras." Grantaire had begun shaking quite violently. He was in complete shock.

"Oh my God, I've just ruined everything. I should never have said anything. I-" he was cut off by Grantaire's lips making contact with his own.

Grantaire's heart was pounding in his chest. He couldn't believe that he was actually kissing Enjolras. The blonde's lips were soft and tasted like peppermint and he applied a firm but gentle pressure.

Grantaire wrapped his arms around Enjolras' waist and pulled him closer. The blonde put his arms around Grantaire's neck and started twisting his dark curls around his pale fingers.

Grantaire pulled away. "You have no idea how much I wanted to do that." he said.

"Oh, I think I do." smiled Enjolras and he pulled the brunette into another kiss.

They broke apart when the door opened, revealing all of their friends grinning at them.

"Oops." said Eponine sarcastically.

Grantaire looked back at Enjolras. "They've seen us anyway." he shrugged and pressed his lips to Enjolras' once more. Everyone else applauded.

"Together at last!" cried Feuilly.

Eponine smiled. "Best. Birthday. Present. Ever."

So there you go! That was supposed to be the end, but I've had a request from WhovianPickle to write an epilogue, which I will willingly do as I have loved writing this fic. I am also writing another Enjoltaire fic that is based on my theory about the pair, so its not going to be an AU but that will be up soon so check it out if you're interested. I'm also considering rewriting this fic but as Eponine and Courfeyrac as the main ship for the few people who actually do ship it. Thank you guys so much for reading I really appreciate and the epilogue will be up asap. Thanks again!

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