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I have awakened from my slumber. (💀)

Hmm...I started becoming more aware of what was going on around me. I feel warm

And...and loved

I look around then my eyes widen in shock.

I woke up to me and Stolas hugging each other tight...but for some reason...

I...liked it.

No no no! Get your head out of the clouds, Blitz!

I slowly get up, removing Stolas' hands from my body. I look at him in the face...

The bags under his eyes seemed to have disappeared. He looks a little better than yesterday.

Well. I think I should still take care of him. I don't care if he's better again.

I shake him to get him up. Ugh...his cute face is throwing me off.

"Wakey, wakey Sleeping Beauty!" I shook him and watched his eyes rise.


I was woken up by shaking. "H-huh? B-blitz what?"

I say while stretching then after all of that I realized he was gone.

I sat there for a few minutes processing what was going on before I followed him downstairs.

I made it to the end of the stairs and saw him appear right in front of me with a plate of grilled cheese on it.

"Blitz! don't have to take care of me anymore.." I try to explain.

"Nonsense!" Blitz said, ignoring me.

"Alright fine, I was sick yesterday but I'm serious!" I admitted.

"That's not gonna change my mind, Princess," I say.

Stolas blushed at the nickname but quickly brushed it off. "Fine! You are gonna realize how much time you wasted on this!"

He crosses his arms and looks away.


"Hmmph!" I said, before hearing my plants start growling.

Quickly, I started to get some food for the plants to eat but all of a sudden Blitz got in my way.

"No no no! I got this!" He said before climbing onto the fridge, and getting some food for my plants.

He walked over to them and threw the food at my plants, but missing. He picks up the food and hesitantly walks closer to them.


Blitz screamed as his leg was grabbed by a vine and swung around.

A light chuckle came out of my mouth at the hilarious sight. I walked over to calm my plants down.

"They usually do this when they are afraid Blitz," I informed him, then turned my attention over to my plants.

"Aww did that little imp scare yooouuu?" I baby-talk to my plants.

"HEY!" Blitz yelled as he got up off the floor.

But before I knew it I was shoved back into my room.

*1:40 minutes pass* Blitz wanted me to be "extra secure" by locking me in my room.

About 2 hours have passed and I am sick of this. I tried getting out but Blitz won't allow it.

Then my gaze shifted to the window. Yeah... let's do this.

But before I do I leave a note for Blitz

The note:

Dear Blitz,
                  I appreciate your support and concern but trust me, I am alright.
                  I won't go far but I can handle myself out there Blitz. <3
                                                                                                                  Love, Stolas
I jumped out of the window and ran away.

I make sure not to run too far off. I just want to take a nice walk to cure my boredom.


While watching MLP I started thinking about Stolas, he has been in there for a while now.

I get up and knock on his door but no answer. I decided to open the door and see his room...empty.

I start to panic before I see a note on his bed. I read it but I am still left very worried.

I have to go and find him. I just need to make sure he's safe.

I put on my coat and zoom out out of the palace.


The walk was nice, nothing too boring or chaotic until I heard screaming from behind me.

Then someone bumps into me but continues running after they are being chased, and I think that's the case.

"EEEEKK" Some people scream from behind me, I turn around to see a bunch of Imps running my way.

I tried to move over but they were too quick.

They all ran into me, pushing me to the edge of a muddy ditch and the last few pushed me, causing me to lose my counterweight. (Thanks Grammarly for the fancy word)

One of my talons was up in the air. And the other on the edge.

I was about to fall until someone grabbed my hand.

I was still leaning back while I was trying to see who the mysterious figure was.

"B-blitz?" I say, shocked.

"Glad I caught you."

Blitz said before...

Both of us fell into the ditch.


Big thanks to Grammarly


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