Loving You

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Just gonna go ahead and say that I'm American so if I word things wrong or use the wrong terms, forgive me.

Nick had woken up to his boyfriend spooning him at his side, smiling as he looked down at the sleeping figure. He ran his hands through Charlie's black curls softly, trying not to wake him. The two had been together for four years and they loved each other more than anything. Within a few minutes, Nellie had jumped up on the bed and was stepping all over the couple.

"Oh, Nellie!"

"Ow! You're so heavy, Nell!"

Charlie exclaimed as the border collie stepped on his legs and arm, then layed down right in between the boys.

"Uhm, excuse you!"

Nick said.

"You're laying on my boyfriend and your dad, ma'am."

He said, petting Nellie.

"She's crushing me!"

"Okay, for real, Nell. Off!"

Nick demanded, saving his boyfriend from the depths of fur.

"Thank you, my hero."

Charlie said, cuddling close to Nick.

"We should probably take her for a walk. That's probably why she jumped on us."

Nick replied. Charlie nodded as he sat back up and stretched his limbs, then started to climb over Nick's legs, but stopped, straddling them.

"Not before you've given me my morning kisses."

Charlie said, wrapping his arms around Nick's neck.

"Oh, how could I forget?"

The red head said with a smile, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy's hips and leaning in for a kiss. The two caught each other's lips and had a little make out session before walking Nellie. As the broke apart the kiss, they heard a whimper come from beside the bed and saw it was Nellie with her leash in her muzzle.

"She's ready to go, haha."

Charlie laughed as he got off top of Nick and off the bed.

"Alright, girl, we're coming."

Nick assured his dog. The boys walked out the front door along with Nellie and headed down the sidewalk. The boys held hands, their fingers intertwined. Nick brought up their hands to his lips, kissing the back of Charlie's, making him blush. Charlie leaned into Nick's side as they walked, his head laying on his shoulder.

"Char, do you realize how absolutely adorable you are?"

Nick asked as he flirted.

"Nope. You're the cute one. I'm an ugly twink..."

Charlie responded. Nick didn't mean to trigger Charlie. He recognized the insult, it was what people at school used to call him.

"Babe, that's so not true. I didn't think you still thought about what those bullies called you in school. You are not ugly by any means. You are so handsome and cute. Hot, even."

Nick assured the younger boy. Charlie couldn't help but look down at the ground. Nick gently took his boyfriend's chin and lifted his head to get him to look into his eyes.

"Char, I love you. Absolutely more than anything."

This made Charlie blush as a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.

"I love you too, baby."

Charlie responded. Nick wrapped his arm around Charlie's shoulders and pulled him into his side as they continued to walk, planting a kiss on his lips.


The three made it back to Nick's house. Nick unhooked Nellie's leash as they got inside, letting her have roam free of the house again.

"Okay, what would you like to do, my love?"

Nick asked, taking Charlie's hands in his own.

"For fucks sake, do you not stay at home?"

A voice was heard from the stairs. It was David, Nick's older brother.


"Can you piss off? I'm not rude to whatever girl you bring home. Don't be rude to my boyfriend."

Nick told David.

"Why do you have to come here during college break? Why not go see dad?"

Nick asked.

"Cause you're not there for me to annoy."

"You ever thought about finding a new hobby, David?"

Charlie smarted off. Nick's eyes went wide at the fact that Charlie just smarted off to David. Nick was proud of him.

"Watch how you talk to me, brat."

David warned as he walked down the stairs and stood at the bottom.

"How about I don't, and say I did?"

Charlie smarted again. Nick wasn't gonna interfere. He kinda wanted to see how this played out. Besides, Charlie needed to start standing up for himself and who better to start with than Nick's piece of shit brother?

"You've got one more time to talk back, runt, or I'm gonna-"

"You're gonna what?"

Charlie asked, cutting him off.


Suddenly, there was a fist flying into Charlie's face, giving him a black eye. Nick's jaw dropped as his boyfriend fell to the floor, but he soon decked his own brother in the face.

"Don't ever touch him!!"

The rugby boy screamed at David. Once he was on the floor, he checked on Charlie.

"Babe, are you okay?"

"I'm sor-"

"Don't you dare apologize. Come on, love."

Nick helped Charlie to his feet and brought him to the bathroom to look at his eye. Nick could see the saddened look in Charlie's eyes, knowing it wasn't from getting punched.

"You were really brave to stand up to my dick head of a brother. I'm proud of you."

Nick praised. Charlie let out a smile, despite the headache he now had.

"Besides your eye, does anything else hurt?"

"My head. My eye is throbbing."

"Come. I'll get you an ice pack."

Nick said, taking Charlie's hand in his and dragging him to the kitchen. Nick dug in the freezer as he searched for the ice pack, eventually finding it. He wrapped it in a dish towel and carefully placed it on his boyfriend's eye. Charlie let out a sigh of relief. The two headed upstairs and into Nick's room, laying on the bed. Charlie layed his head on Nick's chest as he kept the ice pack in place. Nick rubbed Charlie's shoulder, getting him to relax.

"Is it weird that you telling David off like that kinda turned me on?"

Nick asked, making Charlie chuckle.

"Haha, no, babe, it's not. I'm glad my sass can arouse you."

"Pfft, just you, in general, arouse me, Char."

Nick said, leaning down to catch his lips in a kiss.

I love this ship so much ffs. I need season 3 NOW!

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