Telling the Others

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The boys got back to Charlie's house and were ready to tell his parents and little Ollie.

"Mum, Dad, we have to tell you something."

Charlie said as he put the sonogram in front of them.

"What's that?"

The six year old asked.

"It's a baby."

Charlie answered.

"Who's is it? Because I know it isn't yours, Charles."

Jane said, already upset. Charlie rolled his eyes and tightened his grip on Nick's hand.

"It is. Mine and Nick's."

"Not in my house! You two didn't think to use protection?! I want you out!"

Jane yelled, not even letting Julio have a word.

"Jane, calm down."


"Mum, we're not kids anymore! Lots of people have children at our age, intentionally even! We're not in school anymore and we can get jobs!"

Charlie protested.

"Then you're old enough to not be living here! I don't want that brat here when it's born!"

"That is the second time that my baby has been insulted and they aren't even here yet!!"

Charlie yelled.


Charlie bolted up the stairs, going to pack his things and Nick followed. Charlie was already throwing clothes into a suitcase when Nick entered the room. The curly haired boy walked right into his boyfriend's arms as he sobbed into his shoulder.

"I know, baby."

Nick said, holding his pregnant boyfriend tight.

"You're gonna come live with me."

Nick insisted.

"Nick, I don't wanna be a burden on you and your Mum."

"You won't be. Also, couples usually live with each other when they're starting a family."

"If it was just us, that's one thing, but your Mum-"

"My Mum loves and adores you, love! She's not gonna mind. It's not like we're gonna stay there forever. Just until we can find our own place."

Nick reassured Charlie, giving him a comforting forehead kiss.

"I love you and our unborn baby, Char. I will do whatever I can for you both."

"I love you too, Nick. I absolutely love you so much."

Suddenly, there was a knock on Charlie's door.


He yelled, thinking it was one of his parents.


A young voice sounded as the door opened.

"Oh, Ollie. Sorry, I thought you were Mum or Dad."

Ollie walked over and hugged his older brother.

"Why are they mad at you?"

The younger boy asked.

"Because I'm having a baby."

Charlie answered, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"You don't look like you are."

Nick couldn't help but break out in a smile as he sat with the brothers.

"The baby isn't big enough yet, but they're in my belly."

Charlie said.

"Your brother will start showing in a few more weeks. Then you'll be able to tell."

Nick jumped in.

"Does Tori know?"

"She does. Speaking of Tori, could you get her for me, Ollie?"


Ollie hopped off the bed and raced to Tori's room.

"Shit, Nick, will you go get the sonogram downstairs?"

"Sure, love."

As Charlie continued packing, Nick went downstairs to collect the sonogram from the kitchen. When he went to look, he couldn't seem to find it.

"Why are you still here?"

Jane asked as she saw Nick looking around her kitchen.

"Where's the sonogram?"

Nick asked, trying his best not to yell at her.

"Where's our sonogram?"

Jane pointed over to the trash can. Nick glanced over and gave her a death glare before walking over to find the sonogram ripped to shreds in the trash. He felt his heart drop and knew Charlie was gonna be beyond upset. Nick raced back up the stairs, opening Charlie's door to see Tori and his boyfriend talking. Charlie knew something was up when he saw tears staining his cheeks.

"Nick? Where's the picture?"

"Uhm... Your Mum ripped it and threw it in the trash."


"That's it, I'll be back."

Tori said, walking out of the room and down the stairs. Charlie had tears pouring down his face, breaking Nick's heart. He walked over to Charlie and pulled him into his arms, embracing him tightly and kissing his head.

"We'll get another one printed, mon amour."

Nick assured him as he sobbed into Nick's shoulder.

"Why the fuck would she do that?!"

Charlie screamed.

"I don't know, baby."


"What do you mean tearing up a sonogram of your unborn grandchild?!"

Tori asked Jane, knowing Julio hadn't said a word.

"Stay out of it, Victoria."

"No! You're hurting my little brother! He is pregnant with your grandchild, like it or not!"

"I do not want a grandchild from my son unless his female spouse is the one to have it."

Jane complained.

"So you're pissed off because your son is a carrier? I'd find it cool if my son could conceive a child. You had no right to rip up his sonogram, Mum!"

"Well, too late."


Nick helped Charlie pack all he could as Charlie continued to sob. Nick walked over to him, grabbing his sides and hugged him from behind.

"Char, we're gonna pack all of your things that we can, and we're gonna go back to mine."

"What about your brother?"

Charlie sobbed out.

"I'll kick his ass if he messes with you or insults our baby. At this point, he's gonna end up going to my dad."

"Good. I can't hear our unborn baby be insulted."

Charlie said, turning around and burying his face in the crook of Nick's neck.

"I know, mon amour. I know."

I will not apologize for having Nick make "mon amour" his main pet name for Charlie!

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