Baby Doctor

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Charlie had his first baby doctor appointment today and him and Nick were excited to see their little one. Charlie already had is dose of morning sickness, and he was sure there would be more later in the day. After the two ate breakfast, Nick went to pick up Charlie from his place. He waited outside for his boyfriend to arrive and sat on his front steps. When he arrived, he was all smiles.

"Hi, babe."


They said as Charlie got in the car.

"How're you feeling, love"

"I already got sick this morning, but I did manage to eat breakfast. I'm okay right now. Just ready to see our baby."

Charlie said, smiling as he layed his hand on his stomach.

"Wait, did you eat before or after you got sick?"

"After. My stomach isn't empty, if that's what you're worried about."

"It was. Just want you and the baby to have eaten."

Nick said. He was worried that Charlie's eating disorder would keep him from taking proper care of himself and the baby.

"We have. Let's go!"

"Alright, alright."

Nick laughed as he put the car in drive and headed to the doctor.


They arrived and waited in the waiting room to be called. Charlie noticed he was getting stares from other patients in the room, which were all females and a little older. Charlie layed his head on Nick's shoulder and Nick took notice of the stares.

"Sweetie, don't let the stares get to you. You're not the only carrier in the world. Or in the UK for that matter."

Nick tried to assure his boyfriend, wrapping his arm around his shoulders. Charlie buried his face into Nick's shoulder.

"Aww, baby..."

Nick said, looking around again to see they were still looking.

"You all can stop staring. Mind your own."

Nick demanded. Charlie blushed at his defensive boyfriend and tried to hold back a smile.

"Charlie Spring."

The doctor stepped out and called his name. The couple got up and walked to the back, following the doctor. After getting Charlie's weight, vitals, and blood pressure, they went to the ultrasound room. Charlie was getting all giddy and Nick couldn't have been more attracted to him than he was right then.

"Babe, stop being cute."

Nick said jokingly as he smiled and lifted Charlie on to the exam table, not that he needed help... yet.

"I do what I want, thank you."

Charlie jokingly remarked as he layed back on the table.

"Alright, you two. Ready to meet your baby?"

The doctor asked as she set up the machine.


The two exclaimed simultaneously. Charlie lifted his hoodie- Nick's hoodie, exposing his stomach.

"Alright, this is gonna be cold."

The doctor warned as she put the gelled wand on Charlie's stomach.

"Oh, fuck!"

Charlie yelled, not expecting it to be that cold. Nick had to hold back a laugh. He stood next to Charlie and watched the doctor move the wand around his boyfriend's belly until she found the fetus.

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