Going After Ben

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After a few hours, Charlie was discharged from the hospital and could go back home. All he wanted to do was go home and lay down in Nick's arms. Nick and Charlie sat in the back seat of Sarah's car on the way home. Nick held the now more traumatized boy in his arms the whole way home. All Nick could think about was how badly he was gonna beat Ben up. Ben was not gonna get away with what he did to Charlie and what he almost did to their unborn child. Nick wasn't gonna to say anything about going after Ben around his mum because she didn't like violence. But, sometimes a bit of violence is needed.


Nick really didn't want to bring Charlie with him to meet up with Ben in the park, but Charlie insisted he come just in case the Nick got into too much trouble. Nick used Charlie's phone to message Ben to trick him. As soon as Ben got there and saw Nick, he immediately turned around, but not before Nick saw him.

"Oh, now you want to run?!"

Nick shouted to him. Ben turned to face him.

"Piss off."

Ben remarked.

"I don't think so. Don't you ever put your hands on my boyfriend ever again!!"

Nick yelled.

"You're a disgusting piece of shit, Ben. Everyone will know that you're a damn rapist. And you trying to kill our unborn child... Ben, if I wouldn't get in trouble, I'd kill you right now."

Nick said with pure anger in his eyes.

"Don't come within 100 feet of my boyfriend or child!"

Nick grabbed Charlie's hand and began to walk away, but as they walk past Ben, he grabs Charlie's shoulder to speak.


Charlie yelled. Nick quickly turned and punched Ben in the face.


Nick screamed at Ben again. While he was on the ground, the couple left the park and headed home.


The two sat on the edge of the bed, Charlie looking upset. Nick rubbed his back.

"It's okay, mon amour. He's not gonna bother you again."

Nick said, trying to reassure his boyfriend.

"But... What if he does? Nick, I'm scared that he's gonna do something to us or our baby."

"I won't let that happen, baby. I promise."

Charlie went in to hug his boyfriend as tears pricked at his eyes.

"I've got you, mon amour. I've got both of you."


Charlie woke up to a text from what looked like a brand new Instagram account.

"Charlie, I'm sorry that I did what I did to you."

The text read. Charlie knew it was an account that Ben had made to block evade and message Charlie again.

"You're fucking joking."

Charlie blurted out.

"What's wrong, mon amour?"

"Ben is fucking block evading and won't leave me alone!"

Charlie told Nick, handing him his phone. Nick read it.

"You care if I reply?"

"I don't care, I just wanna sleep."

Charlie said as he curled back up. Nick could tell Charlie didn't feel that great and he just wanted to sleep. Before he could fall back asleep, Nick reached over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you, Char."

"I love you too. I'm not trying to be snippy at you, I'm sorry."

Charlie said, apologizing.

"No more S word. I understand you're tired, love. I'll take care of Ben."

Nick assured him. Charlie rolled on to his other side and rested his head on Nick's chest, trying to doze back off. Nick gave him a final kiss in to his curls and began typing a text to Ben.

"This is Nick. You've got one more fucking time to contact Charlie or me in any way. You do it again, I'm calling the police. You may as well give up on trying to talk to Charlie because he's gonna tell me every time. Leave us the fuck alone!"

Nick sent the reply and blocked the account.


Nick said, reaching over to put Charlie's phone back on the nightstand.

"Thank you, baby."

Charlie said, lifting his head and kissing Nick on the cheek.

"Of course, mon amour."

Nick said, returning the kiss but to Charlie's lips.

"Go back to sleep, sweetheart."

Nick told Charlie.

"Can't. Wide awake now, thanks to Ben."

"Ugh, how dare he."

"What, you want me asleep?"

"I want you to get as much as rest as you can before the baby is born and before they start being able to kick you. I've read that the baby will kick and move around probably the most when you're trying to sleep."

Nick explained as he rested his hand on Charlie's stomach.

"Great... Can't wait for that..."

Charlie said sarcastically.

Sorry, this one is very short.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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