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Charlie layed on his back on the bed, staring at his newly printed sonogram pictures. He smiled, thinking about when the baby would be born. Nick came in and saw Charlie was smiling and walked over to him, laying down next to him and stared at the picture too. The two smiled at each other and Nick layed his hand on Charlie's stomach.

"I can't wait to meet them either, mon amour."

"Do you care what sex they are?"

Charlie asked, turning on his side to face Nick.

"Nope. Just gotta be good and healthy."

"I figured as much."

Charlie said. Nick layed his hand on his boyfriend's cheek, bringing his face in for a kiss.


Charlie moaned against Nick's lips.


Nick spoke, separating their kiss.

"I love you both more than anything."

Nick remided him. Charlie blushed and smiled, hiding his face in Nick's chest. Nick smiled and ruffled Charlie's black curls.

"How dare you touch my curls!"

Charlie said, coming out of hiding.

"Very easily, actually."

"Fine, I'll fuck with your hair too, then."

Charlie said, committing to his word and ruffling his boyfriend's red hair. Nick's mouth gaped open in pretend shock.

"I'd so attack you if you weren't pregnant."

"Oooo, I'm sooo scared."

Charlie said sarcastically as he got off the bed. Nick quickly got up and just gently attacked him from behind, hugging his arms across Charlie's chest.

"Ahh! Nick!"

The two laughed as they played and flirted. The boys gently wrestled to the floor and began to wind down on the carpet of Nick's bedroom. They both sighed in content.

"I hope our baby has your curls."

Nick spoke.

"I hope they have your freckles."

"I hope they have your eyes."

The two went back and forth. All the two could speak about was their baby. They couldn't wait.


Charlie had the house to himself a bit later. Nick and his mum had gone to pick up a few groceries and Charlie had felt ill again, so he stayed home. He insisted Nick go help his mum, then when they got back he'd help them put the groceries away. They already forbade him from any heavy lifting. While Charlie waited, he was sat in the living room and watching TV when he got an Instagram message from a familar user. He read the text.

"Hey, I know we haven't spoken since school, but I wanted you to know that I've been thinking about you and I want to know how you're doing. I imagine you and Nick are no longer together. Please text me back."

The text was from Ben Hope. Charlie's stomach turned at the name. He really wanted to text back and tell him that he and Nick were actually still together and now living together.

"Not that it's any of your business, but Nick and I are very much still together and I happen to be living with him now. I told you back then I wanted nothing more to do with you, and that statement still stands, Ben. Have a nice life."

Charlie replied, blocking him after he hit send. He didn't want to delete the messages just yet, he wanted to show them to Nick when he got home. Minutes later, a car horn was heard. Charlie knew it was Nick and his mum returning from the store. The curly haired boy went to unlock the door and open it for them, just in time for him to see Nick coming towards the house with two hand fulls of heavy groceries.

"Babe, give me some-"

"No, no heavy lifting for you, mon amour."

Nick declined. Charlie followed him into the kitchen as he rolled his eyes.

"Char, go sit down, we've got this."

Nick instructed, worried about Charlie and the baby's well being.

"Nick, we're fine. I can at least put the groceries away, can't I?"

"Nope. Sit. Now."

Nick demanded, giving Charlie a peck on the cheek before continuing with the groceries. Charlie stood there with a kind of blank stare. He felt helpless. He didn't want to feel like he was leaching off of Nick and his mum, but Nick insisted on him not to help. Charlie went up to Nick's room and layed on the bed.

"Guess we're just helpless, little one."

Charlie spoke aloud as he looked down at his stomach as he rubbed it, talking to the baby.

"I know you can't hear me yet, but I hope you know I love you so much already."

Charlie smiled as he continued to rub his belly. It wasn't long before tears streamed down his cheeks. Nick came up and peaked through the cracked door, noticing his crying boyfriend.

"Mon amour? What's wrong?"

He asked as he walked in and sat on the edge of the bed. Charlie glanced at him and sat up to be next to him.

"It's nothing."

Charlie claimed, wiping away his tears with the sleeve of his hoodie that he stole from Nick.

"Yes it is, what's the matter?"

Nick insisted Charlie tell him.

"I just... I don't want to feel helpless to you and your mum."

Charlie began.

"I know I can't lift heavy things, but when I tried to get you to hand me a bag, you could've given me something light. If you didn't have anything light, I could've easily helped put up groceries."

Nick furrowed his eyebrows as he listened to his boyfriend.

"Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm useless."

"Of course you're not, baby. You're not useless at all. I'm sorry if I made you feel you are."

"I just... I want to be able to do my part. I want to earn my keep round here. Not be a little leach that got kicked out because he got knocked up."

Charlie explained.

"Char, you are definitely not a leach. You are earning your keep and I'm so sorry I made you feel like you were useless. Honestly I assumed your feet were hurting and I thought you were still feeling sick. I'm sorry, mon amour."

Nick said, hugging Charlie close and kissing his temple.

"Oh, so while you were gone I got an Instagram message. Guess who it was from."

Nick shrugged, having no idea.



Nick stood up, already upset.

"Here. Read it."

Charlie said as he hand Nick his phone. He read the texts and smiled when Charlie told him off and blocked him, not giving Ben a chance to reply.

"Damn, my baby boy has some sass."

Nick said as he handed back the phone.

"Indeed he does."

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