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Stiles spent the rest of that afternoon tucked away in the room of dust, pouring over the book that Peter had given him on Nemeton - he wasn't allowed to take it from the library so he resigned himself to the inevitable damage that it would do to his lungs to spend his day inhaling dust that looked like it'd been gathering since before he was born. He'd never imagined the information that he was finding even in his wildest dreams, and they got pretty wild. Since he'd spent a while now being somewhat linked to the Beacon Hills Nemeton, Stiles felt almost guilty that he hadn't tried researching it sooner, that he had been too nervous about what he'd find to truly focus on what his next steps were. But he'd now taken the first step and he wasn't the only one who knew what he was doing, he had Scott, Kira and Peter in the know and for now that was enough. He left the library only when Peter came to collect him, letting Stiles know they were closing, so reluctantly he reshelved the book and followed the werewolf out to his jeep. There stood none other than Derek, leaning against his camaro.

"Hey sourwolf, what are you doing here?" Stiles asked, passing the older man as he headed toward Roscoe, to which Derek followed, Peter not far behind.
"Peter said your jeep was busted and you'd probably need a ride home." Derek explained, the amusement clear in his voice as Stiles turned to glare at Peter who only batted his eyelashes innocently.
"Roscoe is fine, she's yet to fail me." Stiles returned, opening the door for the driver's side. Derek and Peter watched and waited as Stiles put his key in and tried the engine a few times, then as he got back out to open her up.
"Is that right?" Peter asked, amusement dancing in his eyes as he watched Stiles equip his trusty duct tape, climbing up so he could look in at the engine properly.
"Let me give you a ride home, Stiles. The jeep will be here tomorrow." Derek said, trying valiantly to mask the smile slipping onto his face. Stiles continued to diligently work on the engine, taking pieces out and moving things aside to attempt to locate the issue - though he was entirely clueless about cars and everything he did know was from hands-on learning with the very jeep he was trying to fix.
"Nobody in their right mind would want to steal it." Peter added, easily stepping aside when Stiles tossed a small wrench at him.
"Besides, Peter said you've been making some plans for the pack, if you tell me I can help out." Derek said after Stiles spent a few minutes ignoring the older men in favour of deciding who was more stubborn - him or Derek? He sighed and closed the bonnet, then closed the driver's door and locked it before turning reluctantly to the Were in question. Derek was definitely more stubborn and it was getting cold.
"You're lucky I'm too tired after a day of research to argue." Stiles simply said, trekking across the parking lot to head over to the camaro.
"What did you have him looking at?" Derek asked his uncle, glancing at the older Were out of the corner of his eye.
"Nemeton." Peter said simply, elaborating no further before he left his nephew to process what he'd said, retreating to his own car.

Once Derek was driving, Stiles launched into the plan he'd been forming during the day while he was researching, then about what he'd been learning. He failed to mention the dreams to either Derek or Peter and he intended to keep it that way, with his new knowledge of Nemeton under his belt Stiles was confident that he'd be able to figure it out himself. Only if he couldn't would he then ask one of the Hales. He fired a text to Scott to let him know he'd been doing some learning and that Peter had been helpful, to which Scott was pleasantly surprised. Then, when his head hit the pillow, he fell asleep almost immediately.

That night, he didn't dream of just the Beacon Hills Nemeton, instead he dreamed of all the Nemeton, of what they may look like and how they may be different from the one that he was familiar with. When waking, he wondered if they would react differently to the magic he carried inside him and while asleep his brain answered the question for him - he wondered if that was his imagination or the Nemeton communicating with him. He decided then that he needed to visit again soon, as soon as it would let him and he let Scott know as such. But, he had different plans for that day.

What Would You Do Without Me? // Teen WolfTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang