Meeting The Family

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Stiles had gone straight to bed after his visit with Noshiko, having left the food for his father to eat that night. He texted nobody, and didn't wake up until almost midday the next day. His dreams had been bizarre. He woke up with an immense craving for bacon, and with the sudden realisation that there was definitely someone in the house, and he didn't think it was his father.

Stiles stood, and mentally checked in with himself, calling on his magic to defend himself if he needed to. This served as an important reminder to either flick through his mother's journal for notes on warding or at least add a mountain ash line around the house to prevent unwanted visitors. The benefit of wards was it allowed wanted visitors, a mountain ash line would prevent all Supernatural visitors, and permit humans with bad intentions. All very messy. He focused again and attempted to listen for activity, but whoever was there was still, presumably sitting. He only knew that someone was there because his magic was telling him - like a sixth sense.

He opened his door slowly, and quietly, not wanting them to hear him if they were human. If they were Supernatural, then at least they'd know he knew they were here, assuming they knew anything about him at all. It'd been so long that Stiles had forgotten he could get in trouble purely for being the son of the Sheriff, rather than being in a Werewolf pack.

It was only when he reached the bottom of the stairs that Stiles realised he could smell bacon - not the turkey bacon that he buys for his dad, but actual pork bacon. Who the fuck was in his house cooking bacon? He approached with less caution after that, replaced by indignation - someone had broken into his house and decided to use his kitchen, uninvited. Who does that?

Upon seeing one Peter Hale stood in his kitchen, with bacon in one pan and eggs in another, and something in the toaster (presumably toast), Stiles just sighed. Yeah, if it was going to be anyone it would be Peter. Stiles rolled his shoulders and shook his head, dismissing his stress and his magic, not wanting to cause any harm to Peter, even by accident.
"What are you doing?" Stiles asked, knowing that Peter had heard him coming and had chosen not to call out to stop him from worrying. Bastard.
"Making you breakfast, your father had the impression that yesterday was a rough day." Peter replied, as if that was a normal thing for him to know, but Stiles supposed that it was now, considering everything.
"I learned some things. Stuff I wasn't expecting." He said with a shrug, and went to the fridge for a glass of orange juice, only not offering the same to Peter because he'd watched the man sip coffee from his mug as he was pouring his own.
"Well, at least you're not dead, and you don't look in imminent risk of death. If you were, worrying about you would put a bit of a downer on my date, assuming I even went." Peter said after a moment, entirely unprompted, and wasn't that an interesting piece of information?

"You can't just say date and move on." Stiles said simply, waiting as Peter plated his breakfast, then his own, and turned to place them down on the table. Stiles collected cutlery then they sat down beside each other.
"What could you possibly need to know? I have a date later today." Peter replied, though Stiles could see how much he wanted to talk about it. He'd had a wife once, and finally he was moving on, or at least trying - that was pretty awesome.
"With who? Do you have any pictures?" Stiles asked, mouth half full of eggs. Peter raised a brow at his bad manners, but elected not to comment. It was a little late now to be correcting Stiles on his table manners.
"A young man I met at the library. Not as young as you, before you make any sort of insinuation." Peter said, quickly pointing his fork at Stiles, with no real threat behind the action.
"Give me more than that man, come on." Stiles encouraged with a laugh. Like blood from a damn stone.
"He's short, brunette, dresses like a professor at an old university. He comes to the library a lot, reads a hell of a lot." Peter elaborated, but Stiles just looked at him, waiting for more. "We're just going to an Italian restaurant for dinner, it might not even go anywhere, Stiles." He added with a scoff and a roll of his eyes. Stiles was.. proud of him. It was nice to see Peter excited about something, he didn't look like that often.

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