Fuck That Guy

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When Stiles woke, most of the other pack members were still deep in slumber. He sat slowly to avoid waking Liam, who'd ended up sandwiched between him and Theo, though he was sure neither were that close when he'd fallen asleep. On his other side were Erica and Boyd, who also seemed closer than when he'd fallen asleep, but he figured some movement during the night was inevitable. He slowly shuffled, watching as Theo slowly opened his eyes then helped to move Liam so he could stand. Stiles gave him a nod of thanks, then stood fully and stretched out, shaking off the final remains of sleep. He'd not slept so well in some time but once again had seen the Nemeton; in the back of his mind, Stiles was aware of the alarm on his phone and the tingling at his fingertips which he hoped wouldn't come to be too destructive. He padded through the room, stepping over the figures of his sleeping packmates and gave a small, still sleepy smile to Derek who was nursing a cup of coffee. Peter nodded in greeting from a stool at the breakfast bar and gestured silently to the coffee machine, which Stiles greatly appreciated. He poured himself a mug and sipped at it, glad for the beverage even if it didn't work for him as it did others - damn his ADHD. He settled beside Peter at the breakfast bar, the three in silent companionship while they woke up enough to be considered even vaguely humanoid.

Once Stiles was awake enough, he placed his mug in the sink and raided Derek's fridge for its eggs, bacon and sausages, then stole almost an entire loaf of bread to begin making breakfast for the pack. He worked in relative silence, softly humming while he scrambled eggs and fried others, bacon sizzling in another pan. He could feel Derek and Peter watching him but neither spoke so Stiles did his best to ignore their gaze in favour of trying not to burn the sausages. He set another pot of coffee to brew, collecting enough mugs for everyone, then remembered that it was unlikely everyone drank coffee so he also collected some glasses then made up a jug of orange juice for those who may prefer that with their breakfast.

Slowly, pack members began to wake and with each one that did, Stiles collected another plate to place on the dining table. When people began to ask to have food sooner or, God forbid, take food from the pan, Stiles batted them away and told them that they would need to wait until everyone was awake. When people asked about coffee, Stiles wordlessly poured it for them and delivered the mug to their hands, not a complaint slipping from his lips. Once most of the pack was awake, he found the premade pancake mix he'd insisted they buy the day before and began to make pancakes for everyone. Derek then began to assist, collecting condiments for the pack and setting them out on the table alongside the jug of orange juice and the glasses Stiles had already collected.

Liam was the last to wake and he wandered over into the kitchen to ask about having ice cream with his pancakes and Stiles smiled fondly at the still sleepy boy and pointed out the freezer, mentioning both the vanilla and mint ice cream tubs inside to which Liam could only grin. Once everything was ready, and miraculously still warm, Stiles placed each thing on its own plate and delivered them to the table. Unbuttered toast, a small dish of butter, sausages, bacon, fried eggs, scrambled eggs, fried tomatoes and pancakes all laid out over the table with the drinks and condiments. The pack waited as patiently as they could manage for Stiles to give his approval and then they dove at the table to steal food for themselves.

Stiles sat back to watch, perched on the breakfast bar, legs crossed at the ankles. He nursed a second mug of coffee and wore a grin as he watched the bustling and fighting over his food. The only person that really ate his cooking was his dad and that's only because Stiles forced him to - he was sure the man would eat only greasy takeout if he didn't - so watching people fight over what he'd prepared made his heart feel oddly full. Peter walked over to stand beside Stiles and handed the younger man a plate with a little bit of everything on it.
"Figured you'd want to eat something. Lord knows you wouldn't if you waited until everyone was done." Peter commented when Stiles furrowed his brows at the gesture and he could only laugh and agree.
"I probably should've made them wait while I made a plate up for myself but I think they would've ripped off my head." Stiles replied, cutting off the end of one of his sausages with the side of his fork.
"I don't think even Scott can control them like that." Derek mentioned as he approached the two, his own plate in hand which was mostly meat.
"Of course he can't. They walk all over him." Stiles replied with a snort, making both of them look at him with confused expressions as if they never expected Stiles to say something so negative about Scott. "Don't get me wrong, I love Scott, but he has zero authority. That's what I'm for." Stiles shrugged and filled his mouth with egg before washing it away with a gulp of his coffee.

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