Big News

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Time passed unreasonably slowly until the pack meeting. Stiles was about ready to burst. He'd been dying to know what was inside of each of the letters, to know what it was his mom had wanted to tell his childhood friends and her own friends. He hoped he was making the right choice by giving Talia's letter to Derek. Peter would be there too so if Derek didn't want it, Peter could take that too.

When he arrived at the loft, he was absolutely on the brink of nervous collapse if he wasn't on the brink of exploding all over the nice rug Peter had definitely bought for the loft. Derek looked at him with brows furrowed in concern and walked over to rest a hesitant hand on Stiles' shoulder.
"You okay?" He asked, uncharacteristically soft. He knew how much Stiles had wanted to have this meeting, even if he didn't know why, but now he looked like he was going to keel over and die at any moment.
"No? Yes.. maybe." Stiles replied absently, brushing Derek off with the best smile he could muster before going to sit down on the sofa. He was scared. He was nervous. He hadn't seen Jackson since he'd found out. Derek sat beside Stiles and rested a reassuring hand on his knee that Stiles was grateful for. When Peter arrived next, carelessly tossing aside his keys like he lived there, Stiles' heart flipped. Both Wolves looked at him curiously, wondering where on Earth his reaction had come from.
"I'm.. kinda glad you got here first. You might want to sit down." He mumbled, rubbing his hand over the back of his neck. Usually, Peter wasn't one to take orders but he was curious and concerned, so he did as he was asked.

"Stiles, what's wrong?" Peter asked gently, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees so he can study the Spark more closely and it almost makes Stiles break down. Peter could've been here the whole time. If he'd known, he could've stopped Peter from going feral, him and his dad. Maybe Laura would've stayed in Beacon Hills.
"I have something for both of you." He said, and slowly pulled out the letter his mom had written for Peter and held it out for the Wolf to take. Peter studied the handwriting with the same confused familiarity he'd seen on the Wolf's face when they were doing research and he came across a word in a foreign language that he'd seen before, but couldn't remember the translation for.
"It's from my mom. Dad said.. She'd left things for me. There's letters for a few people but.. One was for Talia." He said, voice trailing off the longer he spoke. He felt the way her name hung heavily in the air, like his mom's did. They didn't talk about her either then.
"I don't remember your mother." Peter said softly, staring down at the envelope in his hands, wondering if this was something else that his sister had taken from him.
"I know. You're not supposed to. It's a spell. Once everyone is here.. I think it'll be broken." Stiles explained, fiddling with his hands now as he waited for someone to ask about Talia's letter.
"Your mom.. Died before the fire." Derek said softly, and Stiles was surprised he remembered. The three of them barely dared to speak in the quiet room, lest they upset the tense air between them and create problems.
"In one of her letters to me.. She told me about you guys. About Talia.. And Mae, and George, and Celia," He mumbled, glancing from Derek to Peter, "she told me how young you really are. How young you were when the fire happened.. You're one of us Peter. She'd want that." Stiles said, shuffling to the edge of the sofa to reach out and rest a hand on Peter's arm and Stiles felt the pack bond between them flare to life. Peter was pack, really pack, and in his pocket Stiles could feel just how many texts he was getting, no doubt the other pack members questioning what had happened.

Peter's eyes met Stiles' own and they were wet with unshed tears. Stiles stood and hesitantly stepped closer, only able to laugh as Peter pulled him into a tight hug, still refusing to cry about it. He had a pack again, and some link to parts of his past he had apparently forgotten. All thanks to Stiles. A gift that just keeps giving. When they pulled apart, Peter laughed airly and shook his head at his own emotional display and sat back in the chair he'd been sitting in, and Stiles did the same, still smiling.
"I haven't opened any of them so I don't know what the one for Talia says but I thought you'd want to read it." Stiles explained, holding Talia's envelope out to Derek. The Were took it and handled it gently, as if it would snap if he mishandled it. Peter looked at it with similar reverence. That was when Theo arrived. He walked in nervously, clearly able to smell the tense atmosphere, but Stiles looked at him with the brightest smile that he could muster, leaving Theo nothing but confused. He welcomed his old friend inside and told him to just sit down, then he got his call from Scott. He linked his laptop to the TV so that they could all see Scott even if he couldn't really see them properly. They spent a few minutes in one of the most tense silences Stiles has ever experienced in his short life, and then Jackson walks in.

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