🍜Chapter 3🍜

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⚠️This Chapter Contains⚠️
Pure Gayness

Also I am Korean, My English is pretty good, but some things may be different like measurements and I will try to transfer them to the USA system. Apologies for any spelling errors in advance.

🍜Enjoy the Chapter loves!🍜


Nobody's POV:

Seungmin was quick to start courting Hyunjin when he found out he was single. Hyunjin was hesitant at first, but something about Seungmin made Hyunjin's Omega scream "Safe" "Home" "Protector" It was the same with Seungmin, his Alpha whined constantly when he wasn't around Hyunjin. "Protect" "Host" "Keep Safe".

But Seungmin didn't want to take it to fast, the two had only know each other for a month, and Hyunjin was going to have pups soon anyway. Seungmin was going to be there for Hyunjin. Even though omega's didn't exactly like Alpha's or anyone near their babies.

Hyunjin had been getting false contractions, and he was at 7 months so it was bound to happen. But Hyunjin was concerned on the pain and frequency of them. He was scared when he felt the baby drop lower everyday.

His doctor said he should be fine. But Hyunjin started to make a nest at home just incase he went into labor early. That's why he was at the Soup Pitt, to hopefully retrieve some scented clothes from Seungmin.

To say Hyunjin was scared was an understatement. He entered the cafe, and it was busy. Like it should have been for the past month it was finally cold. It was March and Hyunjin's birthday was tomorrow , Seungmin had a big surprised planned for him.

"Hey Hyunjin!" Changbin says as Hyunjin enters the resturant. "Where is Felix?" Changbin asked again, he wasn't asking because he missed his lover, well he did, but Changbin knew that Felix didn't like it when Hyunjin traveled alone. Hyunjin gave a small smile and said "He is at work, where is Seungmin?"

Changbin smirked and said "He's in the staff room, feel free to go back there!" Hyunjin headed to the back thanking the older. He entered the staff room and Seungmin turned around to see Hyunjin. "Hey love! What brings you here?" Seungmin said giving a side hug to the pregnant omega. 

Hyunjin had turned side and he faced Seungmin and said "U-um my contractions h-have been a-a bit s-strong and I j-just have a f-feeling baby is going to c-come early..so I-I've started my n-nest and I w-was wondering i-if I could h-have some scented clothes." Seungmin chuckled at the youngers nervousness. "Babe..you can have my clothes anytime, what ever makes you and the pup comfortable."

Seungmin said grabbing his keys and Hyunjins hand and going out to his car to get some clothes. "Do you really think the baby is going to come this early?" Seungmin asked. Hyunjin nodded and said "Mama's instinct" Seungmin smiled and gave Hyunjin some of his clothes. "Well incase you instinct's are wrong and you need more clothes for you nest, just ask me"

Seungmin was about to go in, but then Hyunjin stopped him. Seungmin turned around confused and said "Yes..?" Hyunjin took a deep breath. he looked Seungmin in the eyes and says "Will you play the role as Soojin's father.." Seungmin looked shocked, and he wanted to cry at this question. "Of course..I will be his father.." Hyunjin smiled and said "But are you okay with not dating quite yet, I'm not sure if I'm ready for that."

Seungmin smiled and placed a soft peck on Hyunjin's forehead "Take all the time you need, you do what's best for you. I will wait for you." Hyunjin smiled and gave Seungmin a hug scenting him and said "Thank you.." 

Hyunjin had to leave and so did Seungmin. They said their farewells and Seungmin skipped back into the cafe happy as ever. "Why are you so happy?" Changbin asked. Seungmin shot a playful glare at him and said "I'm always happy..but it helps that I'm offically Soojin's father" Changbin smiled and said "Congrats hyung" They boys talked so more but then started to get back to work.


Hyunjin had just got home, and he started getting out clothes and blankets. Some of them smelled like Felix and other like Seungmin.  Seungmin and Felix were the Alpha's he trusted the most. He even added some of Changbin's scent, it reminded him of his mother, who was no longer with him.

After about 2 hours of making sure his nest was perfect in every detail, he was worn ou. He laid in his nest cuddling with the huge plushie he had with him. Hyunjin was getting some good hours of sleep. But he woke up very uncomfortable. Sweating to the bone.

He felt super dilated and contractions were way more than fake now. He was in pain and he knew that the baby was ready to come out. He looked at the clock and saw that it was 1am. Hyunjin sighed and tried to stay calm. But today was his birthday. Maybe just maybe, Soojin and Hyunjin would share a birthday. He counted the contractions and when they were 10 minutes apart he finally decided to get Felix up, so he could get him to the hospital.

Was Hyunjin concerned that his baby was coming so early..Yes. But he needed to stay calm in order to have the safest birth as possible. It took at least 5 minutes to get to Felix's room which was right across from his room. He opened the door and saw Felix sleeping peacefully. "..Felix.." Hyunjin said weakly. Hyunjin made his way to the bed and sat down.

"F-Felix.." he said again this time lightly shaking the younger. "Fe-LIX!" Hyunjin yelped, as another painful contraction hit. That time Felix woke up. "Hyunjin..what's wrong?" Hyunjin had tears forming in his eyes. "B-Baby" is all he could get out. Felix understood and got up. "I will get you to the hospital, who do you want there?" 

Hyunjin shed a single tear and said "Seungmin..Changbin.." Felix helped get Hyunjin down the stairs and got him in the car. He started driving to the hospital and calling Changbin on his way down. "M-mom.." Hyunjin cried wanting his mothers scent. "Hyun..mom isn't here, but Changbin will be here" Hyunjin nodded as he leaned his head back trying to get as much sleep as he can.

On Call With Felix

"Felix? Everything okay?"

"Um yes and no..can you make your way to the hospital with Seungmin, little Soojin is making his appearance into our world today."

"Oh yes! I'm on my way, does he need any clothes?"

"Bring some of Seungmin's scent, but mainly yours, he needs an omega's scent."

"Okay, I'm picking up Seungmin, see you in 10!"

"Okay, I love you!"

"Love you too"


Felix arrived at the hospital, pulling into the spot and taking in Hyunjin. They got him into a room with a nest. Hyunjin wasn't ready to push yet and he as just sitting in the clean nest waiting for the other two.


"Everything okay Hyunjin?"

"Yes..I just can't believe I get to be a mom today!"

"I'm so proud of you Hyunjin..your going to do so well"



"Yes Hyunjin?"

"I think I need to push.."

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