🍜Chapter 4🍜

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⚠️This Chapter Contains⚠️

Pure Gayness
Birth Scene

Also I am Korean, My English is pretty good, but some things may be different like measurements and I will try to transfer them to the USA system. Apologies for any spelling errors in advance.

🍜Enjoy the Chapter loves!🍜


Nobody's POV:


"Yes Hyunjin?

"I think I need to push"

{I can't remember if I wrote this in but Hyunjin's water did break}


Felix's eyes widen, he was trying not to panic, he knew Hyunjin would be fine. He called the nurse button. The nurse came in and said "Is everything alright?" Hyunjin shook his head as Felix said "He is ready to push" The nurse smiles and says "Ok, I will get doctors in here, for the birth process, we can only have his omega and the babies father in here?"

Felix worried as he knew Seungmin would want to be with Hyunjin. Hyunjin looked up at Felix and said "Is Seungmin and Changbin almost here?" Felix nodded and said "They just arrived" He was a little bit confused. Then Hyunjin turned towards the nurse and said "The father and my omega just arrived." 

Felix was a bit shocked with what Hyunjin had said. He didn't know that Seungmin was the father. Felix had to go. He gave Hyunjin a kiss on the forehead and said "Mom is so proud of you" Hyunjin smiled and mumbled "Thank you.." I leave the room to be met by Seungmin and Changbin. "Oh hey! Hyunjin is starting to give birth, you two need to be in there" The nodded and Changbin gave Felix a peck on the cheek, he knew these next few hours would be hard for him.


"Hi Changbin, Hi Seungmin" Hyunjin said with his eyes close trying to ease his pain. The nurse came over and they started the process of labor. Seungmin was on one of Hyunjin's side holding his hand, while Changbin was on the other side releasing his scent to keep Hyunjin calm. All the boys were a bit confused on why they weren't doing a C-Section for the baby since he was pre-mature.

"We normally would've done a C-Section, but we did a scan, and the baby is 40% more likely to survive with a normal birth than C-Section." The nurse said. Hyunjin looked at Seungmin with pleading eyes to ask the doctor a question. Seungmin caught on and said "What's the baby's survival rate now?" The doctor smiled and said "97%, but we will have to put it in the NICU for some time"

All the boys nodded, and that's when Hyunjin started to push. He was 10cm dilated so everything was ready. Tears streamed down Hyunjin's face and he let out several whines. He squeezed the life out of Seungmin's hand. Changbin wanted to be more careful with his scent, he did not know how many Alpha's were in this room.

"Sir, as long as the father will be okay, all the doctors are omegas, so you can release more of you scent" The nurse said. Changbin looked up at Seungmin and Seungmin nodded saying "Do as much as he needs" With that Changbin released more of his scent. Hyunjin pushes again, tears streaming down his face. 

"The head is out, the shoulders are next, just take your time, you don't want to tear anything." The nurse said. Hyunjin had to push three times before the shoulders were out, each push he letting out a scream of pure pain.

"Okay, the rest of the baby should come out, faster than the rest." The nurse said. Changbin was releasing most of his scents, but he stopped noticing that Seungmin looked light headed. Seungmin wiped off Hyunjin's forehead. The room reeked of Changbin's scent vanilla and blood. With only a few more pushes the baby was out.

Hyunjin didn't get to see his baby, they took off with him after cutting the cord. The nurse started airing out the room. As much as Seungmin to stay with Hyunjin he had to sit down. The nurse packed up and after Hyunjin was clean they moved him to the family room.

They excited the room, to be met with Felix's sparkly eyes. They was another omega by him, he was a nurse and had seemed to be comforting him. Changbin couldn't help but be jealous of the other. Felix got up and hugged Changbin. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, so so so much Changbin. Your amazing, I love you so much!"

Changbin hugged back glaring at the other omega, who had coward a little bit.


{We gotta have Felix's perspective from this, so this takes place while Hyunjin is giving birth}

Changbin gives Felix a kiss on the cheek and heads in the room. Felix sits on the bench across the hallway. He was tired he couldn't even imagine how Hyunjin felt. Felix trusted both the boys, but he wouldn't help but worry that something was going to go wrong with Hyunjin. That was his only family, he couldn't lose that.

Felix knew when Hyunjin had started pushing. His whine and shouts, were super unbearable for him. He shaking a whole bunch and crying as he heard each scream and whine. "Felix?" a soft voice said. Felix looked up and saw a familiar boy. Not any boy, but his childhood best friend. "J-Jisung?" Felix said.

Jisung smiled at the younger and said "Hey..hey, don't cry. What's wrong?" Jisung was trying to comfort the younger, he hadn't seen him in years he didn't know what was going on. The he heard the someone scream coming from a labor room, Felix flinched and more tears spilled out. "Is that your mate giving birth, Felix you should be in there..!" Jisung said.

Felix shook his head and said "B-brother.." Jisung looked shocked and said "Hyunjin is giving birth?" Felix nodded and Jisung pulled him in for a hug. All Jisung knew is that his parents were dead. "He is in pain, but he is giving birth to the most beautiful child. They will both be okay"

Felix nodded and they finally didn't hear whines and yells. Instead a babies cry. They soon had rushed the baby to the NICU. Jisung stayed with them, and then when the door opened Felix saw Changbin. He ran up to the older, hugged him and said "Thank you, thank you, thank you, so so so much Changbin. Your amazing, I love you so much!"

Changbin hugged back and Jisung was met with a glare of the jealous omega.

'That must be his mate, he doesn't have to worry, I have my own mate'

Jisung coward a little and then he said "Congratulations Hyunjin!"

Hyunjin eyes looked at him and he said "Jisung?" Jisung smiled and said "Yes, I would love to talk more, but I have to attend my shift, have a great day and once again congrats!' Jisung said while backing out.

"Who is that?" Changbin questioned looking at his mate. Jealousy was burning in his eyes and Felix could see it. "My childhood best friend, don't worry I'm pretty sure he is mated with Hyunjin's childhood best friend Minho"

Changbin felt a bit guilty for being Jealous. 'It was just a friend..'


Jisung got home in the afternoon and was greeted by Minho. "Hey baby!' Jisung smiled and said "Hi!" Minho pecked Jisung and said "How was work.." Jisung smiled and said "Good, I saw Hyunjin and Felix today.." Minho looked a bit down and said "Oh no, what happen?" Jisung chuckled and said "Nothing bad, Hyunjin was having a baby." Minho looked shocked.

He kissed Jisung again and said "Well, that's fun, were not that far behind, how is pumpkin?" Minho said putting his hands on Jisung 3 month pregnant belly. "Pumpkin is great."'

"Can I come with you tomorrow to see Hyunjin?" Minho asked, Jisung nodded and said "But remember, omega's are a bit feisty after they have there baby" Minho nodded and said "How can i forget.." He was referring to when his other friend Chan had a baby."

Jisung kissed Minho one last time and said "I'm tired, lets sleep." Minho nodded as the couple laid down and fell asleep.


End of Chapter

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