🍜Chapter 6🍜

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⚠️This Chapter Contains⚠️

Pure Gayness
A Baby 🍼

Also I am Korean, My English is pretty good, but some things may be different like measurements and I will try to transfer them to the USA system. Apologies for any spelling errors in advance.


🍜Enjoy the Chapter loves!🍜


{Hyunjin's POV:}

About a week later me and Soojin were released from the hospital, I went to pay my hospital bills, and my insurance covered most of it, leaving around 1,357,680 Won left for me. (I know that is a big number, but that's 1,000 dollars in the US) 

I was shocked when the hospital staff told me that it was already paid. I was confused and I turned around and saw Jisung and Minho, he said "A gift, from Minho and I, for the new baby"

I was shocked and I said "You guys didn't have to do that!" I went over and hugged them. Minho chuckled and said "We wanted to!" I was going to continue arguing when Jisung said "Nope! Just accept the gift!" I smiled and finally agreed. 

"Since you guys are here, do you want to meet Seungmin and Soojin?" Minho looked up at me and said "I know Soojin is the baby, but who is Seungmin?"

 I smiled and blushed thinking about Seungmin "He is Soojin father figure, he came into my life about 2 months ago, were not mated or dating yet, I don't want to make him uncomfortable."

I led the couple out of the busy check-in center and out to the lobby. I was greeted with Seungmin looking at the baby, with a happy and curious look. 

His tail was wagging really fast. I cooed at the sight and walked up to him. "Seungmin.." He broke out of his trance and said "Oh hey Hyunjin, your done already? Who are they?" I laughed as he asked a million questions.

 "Yes, This is Minho and Jisung, they were Felix and I's childhood best friends. They were very kind and paid the rest of our bills." 

Seungmin looked just as shocked as me, and he handed me Soojin, before bowing about a million times saying "Thank you" to them. They brushed it off and chuckled.

 I gave them a look and said "We will be paying them back, for when they have their first kid." Jisung blushed and said "Were not that far behind you" My eyes widen, and I alerted myself that Soojin was still in my hands.

 So I whispered-yelled "Your pregnant?" Jisung nodded and my jaw dropped.

"Congratulations again!" I say to the couple as I leave. Seungmin opens the door to the car and lets me and Soojin in. As I buckle up, Soojin sways a little.

 I was praying he didn't wake up since I got him down for a nap just then. As Seungmin drives home, I finally say "Thank you so much, for everything Seungmin, the soup, the care, the kindness, I really lost hope in all men except my brother. You and Changbin, changed that about me."

I see a smile form on the side of Seungmin's face. "Hyunjin, this may be too soon, since you just had a baby, and you stated a week ago that you weren't ready for a relationship, and I understand, and I want to put an offer out, take as much time as you need to, because I want you to be completely sure about your answer."

I was curious, but I also knew what he was going to ask. "Hyunjin, would you do me the great honor, and be my boyfriend"

I sat in my thoughts, I wasn't ready for a relationship yet, but I also knew that I loved Seungmin. Right now Soojin needs all my attention, not only that, he also needs Seungmins. 

Dating right now would be overwhelming, thinking that we might not be able to give each other the right amount of attention. I wanted are relationship, to be focused on growing this family, but Soojin needs to grow a little bit more, before we can be his official parents.

"Seungmin..I would love to date you"



















"But lets wait just a little bit longer..."


Rejected but not rejected.

Fun fact, that's how me and my husband got together.

Well, I wasn't pregnant, but I knew I loved him, and when he asked me out we were really young (freshmen in high school) SO I told him he needed to wait.

Boy waited for 7 years, after I graduated college, we dated and got married like 2 months later.

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