Chapter 10

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Toni walked out of the room and I was angry... I was, but I was more hurt than anything because I knew I wasn't lying.

I started to walk away after her, but Gil held me back.

"Gil, I'm fine, let me go."

"No, you're not, so just sit here and calm down. What happened to your lip? Did she hit you?" He asked all at once.

"I'm fine, Gil. I promise I'm good." I said, trying to walk away again, to which he stopped me.

"Janet, just sit for five minutes."

"No! I'm fine now. Let me go seriously." I pushed past him again and got away this time, but he followed close behind me.

Toni had grabbed her keys and was about to head out the door.

"I was drugged..." I blurted out.

For awhile, she didn't look back at me, but when she did, I felt like I shouldn't have said anything.

It's the truth, but...I've never told anyone that.

"Janet...what?" She asked.

I hung my head down and wiped my hands over my face.

"I—I'm shocked, but I'll give you two some privacy." Gil said.

"No—stay," I insisted.

I walked over to a dining room table and sat down. They both walked over but didn't sit, and it made me not want to say anything. I don't like people standing over me, but I don't feel like right now it's in my place to tell anyone what to do.

I took a deep breath and crossed my arms on the table, not looking at either of them.

"I—I shouldn't have been drinking...but I was hurting. I mean, I had just found out my dad was sick...dying. I was away from you and Elijah for awhile. My label kept pushing me to do different things I wasn't really mentally prepared for, and I just had to do it. I wasn't happy." I started. "I was stressed, hurt, and I—decided to just have a drink or two."

Toni finally sat down, and it took some of the weight off of me to speak.

"There was a bar in the hotel, so I went down there...and did just that, I drunk. Just a few shots, but enough to get me tipsy." I put my hands on my forehead and sighed. "This woman came over and sat next to me at the bar, and I didn't think anything of it. She didn't bother me, and I didn't bother her...until about 10 minutes later. She started to talk to me. Small conversation, nothing personal. She offered to buy me a drink, which I declined. I got another shot, and I guess she slipped something inside when I wasn't paying attention."

"Janet how do you know she drugged you? What if you were drun-"

"Let me finish, please."

She sat back, and I sat up straight.

"One thing led to another, and we were in her hotel room, and you know me, I don't play that. I would never go into a random person's space willingly, but I did, and I just remembered my head spinning and I could really barely stand."

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