The Unholy Trinity-Chapter Twenty-three

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They left for Ellen’s house late Monday morning because Gwen wasn’t in any rush to get on the road and fight with spring break traffic. That was just fine with Fallon since it meant she got to sleep in. Fallon wasn’t in any hurry to get to Ellen’s house either. Going for a weekend was one thing but she couldn’t imagine what they’d do for a whole week. When Gwen pulled the car onto Ellen’s street she insisted Fallon call and tell her they were almost there. Fallon rolled her eyes as she punched in Ellen’s number. By the time Ellen answered the phone, they were in front of her house.

“We’re here.”

“Is my doorbell broken or something?” 

“My mom wanted me to call.” 

Ellen opened the door and rushed down the steps to greet them. The way she and Gwen squealed and carried on it was like they hadn’t seen each other in five years instead of five months. It wasn’t long before Ellen had Fallon in the same suffocating hug her mom had just gotten.

“Just look at you, Fallon,” Ellen cried. “You’re even more grown up than I remember.”

“That’s because she’s sixteen now,” Gwen reminded her.

Ellen sighed. “Time sure does fly. Guess we better get this shit inside. It’s not going to carry itself in after all.”

It could have if Fallon wanted it to. Even without Lucian’s help her powers were strong enough to pull off something small like that. Her mom and Ellen would freak out though. Fallon smiled at what she imagined their reactions would be.

“So, should I put my stuff in the same place?” Fallon asked.

“You bet,” Ellen agreed.

“Okay. I’m just gonna drop my stuff in my room and then call Lucian.”

Gwen blanched. “You just left him a few hours ago.” 

“Gwen, it’s fine,” Ellen assured her.

Gwen mashed her lips together but said nothing as Fallon carried her stuff into the room that would be hers for the week. She didn’t even bother to unpack anything before calling Lucian. Even though he could’ve come to see her anytime, they’d already decided it might be a bad idea for him to drop in. It would’ve been hard to explain to her mom or Ellen if they caught him hanging around. If she couldn’t see him then she’d settle for calling him even if it did piss her mom off.

“Hey,” he answered. “You there already?”

“I’m here,” she agreed. I wish I was there, she silently added.

“Yeah, me too. It’s only a week though.”

Might as well be a year.

Lucian laughed. “We don’t need cell phones for this you know.”

“I wasn’t doing it on purpose. Anyway  ”

“Fallon!” Gwen shrilled.

Fallon heaved a sigh and rolled her eyes. “I gotta go. My mom’s screaming. I’ll call you when I can.”

“Try calling me without your phone next time.”

“How do I do that?”

“Fallon!” Gwen yelled again, and Fallon could hear the impatience in her voice.

“You’ll figure it out. Love you, Fallon.”

“Love you too, Sin,” she echoed and then hung up the phone.

Fallon knew her mom didn’t have anything important to say. She just wanted to get her off the phone.

It’s going to be a long week, she thought as she dragged herself into the living room.

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