oc backstories PART TWOOO

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ok 1st off i made a 2nd part to lolli's sooo


(part 2 to lolli since the 1st one was mostly about their "personalities")
TW: SH, SUICIDAL THOUGHTS/ATTEMPT!! lolli liked their "personalities" since they had people to talk to since they didn't really have any friends. they grew to be really suicidal and stuff. they came out to their dad when they were 15 and he accepted them. they let them get top surgery since they were tired of being called a girl/being misgendered all the time. they also convinced their dad to let them get gloves with the pan flag on them cuz they "thought they looked cool" when in reality, they just wanted to have them so that they could hide their sh scars. they were sick and tired of being bullied at school and almost tried to kill them selves when they thought of their dad and that they couldn't do that to him so they decided against it. they eventually graduated highschool and met posty in college. they were still having suicidal thoughts but posty helped them through it most of the time. when flaggy joined their school, they were more suicidal then before since posty was helping flaggy with school. they decided they couldn't take it anymore and went to the roof of one of the school buildings (they had asked a teacher for the keys for a different reason). they stood up there for a while thinking if they should actually do this, not knowing that flaggy was in the school yard and saw them up there. they were going to jump when flaggy got there just in time and convinced them not to. they agreed and they talked on that roof for hours until the sun came up. flaggy (+ posty) has been helping lolli with their suicidal thoughts, aswell as their "personalities".

this is dark...



globe had a pretty ok childhood. he had a mom and dad who were pretty rich. pretty much everyone in manhattan knew who they were. everyone talked about them as they walked down the sidewalk. he pretty much had everything in high school. popularity, good grades, all but a girlfriend. his parents started saying how embarrassing it was that he didn't have one and that he needed to get one by the end of the year. he ended up dating cupcake and he really liked her. he couldnt see the red flags at the time and just thought this is what normal relationships were like. he had her over at his house multiple times and she would force globe to do her homework for her. after a year, cupcake broke up with him in front of the entire school which made him lose it. he closed himself off and started being rude to everyone hoping that everyone would just leave him alone. his parents blamed him for the break up, thinking that he did something wrong. around this time, skittle came to his house saying his mom kicked him out and started telling globe about his childhood. globe asked his parents if he could stay with them and they said yes (mostly bcuz they wanted to seem nice). globe never broke out of his "mean guy" attitude, mostly bcuz his parents didnt wanna pay for therapy since that would make them seem like they were bad parents and they wanted to keep up a good appearance. sooo yeah

i forgot to say that they all live in new york city but whateevrrrr


photos had an.. ok childhood. he only had their dad which he was fine with. their mom abandoned him when they were 3. his dad found them 2 days after and took him in. photos barely remembers anything about his mom and they dont want to anyways. only thing he remembers about her is that she had really long beautiful white hair. they hate her and hate thinking about her. his dad asked if he wanted to meet her since he found her using a dna test but they still said no. he came out to their dad when they were 14 (their 14 and a half in the show) and he accepted them of course. photos was born with his leg basically gone. they were always bullied for it and he had no friends despite being really outgoing. they finally made friends (who are yellow pin and mushroom) in their first year of high school. then they got dragged into the show 🤯💥‼️ ok thats it bye bye

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