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it's in your blood stream
hey, i'm kitty and this blog was probably a bad idea. i write teen wolf imagines/one shots so feel free to send in any prompts and requests! 1

Surprise, Surprise
Plot: The pack try to set up Liam with Y/N and it basically ends with a very cute and flustered Liam.
It was a Monday and there was nothing more you wanted than to go back to bed and nothing - not even a very shirtless Liam Dunbar - could make you want to stay at school.
You were out on the field watching the boys practise lacrosse since it seemed as though there really wasn't anything else to do in Beacon Hills High. But to be honest, you weren't exactly complaining since the sight in front of you was to die for.
"Hey, Y/N," you heard someone say as they sat down beside you. You turned to see that it was none other than Malia Tate and Kira Yukimara - two juniors who you had never spoken to in your entire life so the fact that they were talking to you was more than confusing.
"Um, hey...?" You replied uncertainly to Kira who smiled whilst Malia merely looked at you with a calculating look upon her face.
Malia leaned towards Kira and spoke quietly, "Are you sure this is her?" It seemed as though things were getting stranger by the second - what exactly did they want with you?
In response, Kira gently nudged her and gave her a look which clearly read 'shut the hell up, Malia.'
You raised an eyebrow and shifted slightly away from the pair, "Is there anything that I can help you with?"
Malia motioned for Kira to move closer to you regardless of the fact that they were making you feel seriously uncomfortable. Once again, you moved slightly away from them but they just kept moving closer and it seemed as though Malia was practically lying on top of Kira with the way that she was trying to get your attention.
"Okay, this is getting kind of weird," you voiced your thoughts and Kira smiled guiltily at you before clearing her throat and speaking.
"So er, do you see that guy over there?" she pointed to one of the boys on the field and once again, your attention shifted to Liam who was doing push ups like there was no tomorrow.
Your heart started to beat a little faster but you willed yourself to push away your feelings for him - after all, accidentally confessing your secret crush on your neighbor wasn't exactly something that you wanted to do in front of two juniors.
"Who, Liam?" you asked, trying to maintain your confidence as much as possible.
Kira nodded enthusiastically whilst Malia merely muttered something which sounded like, "Get it over with, already."
"Have you ever spoke to him?" Kira asked.
"A few times - he's my er neighbour so..." you replied lamely, cringing at how stupid you sounded.
"No, what I mean is have you really talked to him," she replied and raised her eyebrows, a suggestive gleam in in her eyes.
Malia cut in before you could speak, "Have you ever had a conversation with him?"
"No, I haven't." You shook your head. "We're not exactly friends or anything and it would be weird since he doesn't even know me."
You paused for a moment before speaking again, "Why are you even asking me this?"
Malia cut in once again, her sly smiling mirroring that of Kira's, "Just go to the stairs by the guy's locker room as soon as school finishes and then you'll find out."
Before you could say another word, both girls abruptly stood up and walked away, giggling amongst themselves as they glanced over at your confused expression.
Well, that was probably the strangest conversation ever, you thought to yourself as you reverted your attention back to the lacrosse players. Your gaze caught that of Liam's and he smiled at you before going back to warming up.
You bit your lip, hiding a smile, a giddy feeling taking over. You would be lying to yourself if you denied the blush on your cheeks and the way that your heart sped up as soon he looked at you.
△ △ △
For the rest of the afternoon, you could barely sit still and apparently your nervousness had gotten on the nerves of your best friend, Elle.
Elle reached nudged your arm and leaned closer, her voice quiet but harsh, "I have had it up to here with your damn fidgeting, Y/N."
You pulled your attention away from the clock on the wall and smiled apologetically at her, "Sorry, Elle. It's just that-"
"Girls, I would appreciate it if you kept quiet for just another five minutes," Mrs Martin looked at the pair of you, an eyebrow raised and a stern expression on her face.
Your face heated up at the sudden attention from your teacher and everyone in class who all turned to see what you and Elle were doing, a few smirking as if seeing a fellow classmate squirm was the most amusing thing they had seen all day.
Just five more minutes, you thought to yourself, glancing back at the clock and wishing that the end of class would come quicker.
You kept yourself preoccupied by doodling on the corner of your notebook in attempt to pass the time quicker. You were still aware of Elle's questioning gaze but you were far too anxious to find out what Kira and Malia wanted with you to pay attention to her.
It seemed as though doodling had worked because before you knew it, the bell sounded and practically simultaneously, everyone got up and collected their bags before rushing out of class.
Before you could follow suite, Elle grabbed your elbow; you knew she what she was going to ask so you told her that you would tell her everything later and ran out. Outside, the corridor was streaming with students and you pushed passed them, your heart beating fast as you made your way towards the stairs.
As you approached them, confusion took over your thoughts when you didn't see Kira or Malia in sight - the only person in sight was Liam and he was sitting on the bottom step, his hands clasped as he stared at the ground below him.
You cleared your throat and he immediately looked up, surprise evident in his eyes.
"I-I didn't think you'd come," he said, standing up and walking towards you.
"Me?" you asked. "I was here because Kira and Malia-"
"-asked you to come, yeah. They, uh...," he trailed off and nervously scratched the back of his neck, "They wanted me to talk to you.
You furrowed your eyebrows, confusion evident in your tone as you questioned him, "Why me? Everything's okay, right?"
"Yeah, everything's fine," he nodded.
Liam took a few more steps towards you so that you were only an arm's length away. The proximity made your heart speed pick up and his lips quirked upwards into a small smile and you cursed yourself about how your feelings for this boy were growing day by day.
"I know we haven't spoken that much before," he began and paused as if he was carefully thinking through his words, "but I was wondering if we could, you know... er, get to know each other better."
You swore you heard someone snort in the background but you ignored it since there we bigger things on your mind like how your freaking crush said he wanted to be friends with you. Sort of.
Your eyes widened and it took a few moments for you could reply, "O-oh, that would be great. Yeah, that would be amazing."
Liam visibly relaxed and grinned, "Really?"
You nodded and he moved even closer to you; from this distance, you could see the darker specks of blue in his eyes and the slight stubble on his face.
"Do you want my number?" he asked, sounding unsure, and you nodded again since it felt as though you weren't capable of words without sounding like a complete idiot.
You took a pen out your sweatshirt pocket and passed it to him, holding your hand out so that he could write your number on it. The moment his hand touched yours, it felt as though someone had knocked the wind out of you - after all, you had barely said a few words to Liam before today and now everything seemed to be happening so quickly.
As he wrote his number on your palm, you giggled slightly and he looked up, a smirk pulling at his lips.
"What is it?"
"Sorry, it just tickles," you replied, missing the feeling of his hands against yours already.
He laughed and shook his head before going back to write his number and you couldn't help but giggle again. You heard him laugh quietly and he looked back up at you, amusement dancing in his blue eyes.
You retracted your hand and looked down at the messy scrawl, smiling as you saw the little smiley face he had drawn by his number.
"Thanks, I'll text you later," you spoke, looking back up at him.
"I'll be looking forward to it," he replied and then surprised you even further by holding your hand again, lacing his fingers through yours.
Your breath caught in your throat and you could feel a blush rising on your cheeks.
Liam cleared his throat, glancing down at your clasped hands and looked back up at you, "Are you free this weekend? I was wondering if you could come over - you know, to watch a movie or something. I mean, I'll totally understand if that's too weird and you don't want to but-"
You thought that two could play at this game and this time, you were the one that surprised him by placing a kiss on his cheek. You pulled back and smiled, letting you hand drop away from his and stepping back, "That sounds amazing, Liam"

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