Jordan parrish

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"What if they don't like me?" Jordan Parrish, your boyfriend of five months, looks over at you as he drives towards your childhood home.
You shake your head while letting out a laugh under your breath. "They're going to love you, Babe." You reach over and run your fingers through the hair at the top of Jordan's neck.
"How do you know that?" Jordan glances over at you again before looking back at the road.
You pause to take in your boyfriend's nervousness. You had never seen him like this, not even when he first asked you out. He'd never been anything less than charming and cool-headed around you. "What's not to like, Jordan? You're intelligent, kind, and charming. Not only are you a deputy sheriff now, but you also have a military background. My father will love that you can keep me safe."
"I thought you said that your dad doesn't like guns?" Jordan asks you.
"He doesn't." You shake your head. "But, he does support our military and police enforcements. And, I've seen you in working out and practicing hand-to-hand combat. You don't need a gun, Baby." You send a playful wink to Jordan, who just groans. "What?" You ask him while laughing.
"Don't do stuff like that." Jordan takes his left hand off the wheel and points at you. "I don't want your parents to know we've had sex and think I'm a horndog because of it!"
You let out a deep laugh. "Jordan, I'm an adult and a college graduate. They know that ship sailed long ago, before I even met you." You look out your window and see your parents' house just up ahead. "It's right there. Turn into the driveway coming up."
Jordan does as instructed and turns off the car before taking his seatbelt off and turning to fully face you in his seat. "Before we go in there, what do I need to know? What should I talk about? Better yet, what shouldn't I talk about?" Jordan asks you, his eyes wide and huge. You can practically feel his nerves coming off of him in waves.
"Jordan, seriously, what is going on? You're usually Mr. Cool? I have never seen you this nervous, about anything before!" You reach over and stroke your boyfriend's cheek.
Jordan takes a deep breath, slowly blowing his breath out. "I want them to like me, Y/N. You... You're important to me, and I know how important they are to you." Jordan slowly shrugs his shoulders.
"Well, my parents are going to love you, Jordan. You're important to me, too, and you make me really happy. That's all they're going to care about." You lean forward and press a small kiss to Jordan's lips.
"Are you sure?" Jordan asks when your lips leave his.
You smile over at Jordan while caressing the side of his face. "You've got nothing to worry about, Babe. I promise." You watch as Jordan takes a deep breath. "Are you ready?"
Jordan nods his head. "Yeah, let's go."
You and Jordan get out of the car. You wait for him as he walks around the front of the car before taking his hand in yours and leading him to the front door. As you open the front door, you look back and see that Jordan has an anxious smile on his face. You send him a quick wink before turning and facing your parents who are standing in the doorway to greet you.
"Mom, Daddy, this is Jordan." You smile at your parents. "Jordan, these are my parents." Jordan steps forward to shake your dad's hands.
"It's nice to meet you, Jordan. You can just call us Y/F/N and Y/M/N."
Over four hours later, after practically dragging Jordan out of your parents' house, you and Jordan are finally back in the car and on your way back to Beacon Hills. You look over at Jordan, and you can't help but notice the giant smile on his face. "See! That wasn't so bad." You say while Jordan moves his left hand from the steering wheel over to grab your hand in his.
"Your parents are great!" Jordan glances over at you with a real, genuine smile on his face. His eyes are sparkling.
"And, they loved you!" You exclaim while rolling your eyes upward. "I told you that you didn't have anything to worry about."
"You were right... as usual." Jordan teases you.
"Damn right!" You nod your head while Jordan chuckles and lifts your hand up to his mouth, kissing the back of your fingers. Then, he just drops your hands in your lap, turning them around so he can lace his fingers through yours. You two just drive the rest of the way in a comfortable silence.

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