Isaac lahey

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Warnings: slight violence; reader dies

"I just don't understand why he won't trust me!" I shouted, tugging at my roots before throwing my hands up in the air. I could feel my boyfriend, Isaac, watching me pace. I had been venting to him for the past five minutes about my older brother, Derek. He was being an over-protective idiot once again, refusing to let me go to the negotiations he was making with a werewolf pack that had just entered Beacon Hills.

Isaac pursed his lips. Even in my anger, I couldn't help but find him overwhelmingly attractive, with those honey curls and watery blue eyes. Not to mention the tight black shirt he was wearing; the sleeves clung to his biceps when he crossed his arms. "I don't think it's that he doesn't trust you." He stated. "I think it's that you're his little sister, and he doesn't want you to get hurt."

Snorting, I set both my hands on my hips, stopping to face Isaac. "I'm a werewolf. I don't need the protecting. I need to be doing the protecting. Like Derek, and Scott, and you. And Cora, for crying out loud. My younger sister! He's letting her fight! Why not me?"

"Well, love." Isaac pushed off the counter to come and stand in front of me. "You do have a short temper. Maybe he actually wanted to talk before resorting to fighting." He teased, squeezing my hips.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't have a short temper!" I growled. Isaac raised an eyebrow, and I realized that I was only helping his case. "Oh, shut up."

"I didn't say anything."

"You didn't have to. I could see you."

Isaac chuckled, shaking his head. "You're something else." He placed a soft kiss on my forehead. "Now c'mon. I'm supposed to take you to Scott's house. He and Stiles are going to... keep you company while Derek, Cora, and I go talk to these 'big-shots'."

My mouth dropped open. "Seriously? You're making Stilinski and McCall be my glorified babysitters?"

He grimaced. "It wasn't my idea; it was Derek's. I know that they're not exactly the brightest, but Scott's a good guy. Please play nice. Just stay with them. I'll come pick you up as soon as it's over."

"Fine." I grumbled, brushing past him roughly to grab my hoodie. "But only for you. I'm pissed at Derek right now."

"I'm sure he knows." Isaac laughed.


Isaac hadn't even been gone 30 minutes before I was ready to eat bullets. Stiles and Scott acted like they were twelve, I swear. I had no clue how Derek hadn't ripped their throats out already.

"You know, I have this theory-"

"No one cares." I cut Stiles off. His voice was giving me a headache.

Stiles held his hand out. "What I was saying was that I think all Hales' are angry all the time." When I glared, he turned to Scott and said, "And I think I'm right. Which is kind of terrifying."

Scott laughed around his slice of pizza. "Y/N isn't mad; she just wishes she could go with Derek. She might look happier if you took your feet off my Mom's coffee table, though."

I snickered when Stiles jerked his legs back and crossed them. "See, she even sounds mean when she laughs. It has to be a Hale thing, dude."

"Oh, whatever." Scott took a swig of his Coke. "Hey, do you guys want to watch something? Maybe a movie? And before you say it, Stiles, no, I don't want to watch any of the Star Wars." Stiles frowned, and I giggled. "What?" Scott asked, looking like an innocent puppy. "That's what he always asks for, and I'm just making myself heard ahead of time."

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