Lone wolf

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When you're one of the few humans in the pack, the feeling of isolation is kind of inevitable. Sure Stiles was human too but he was also a genius, and he always had something to add to the group. You on the other hand, you were just a regular human. You didn't have an extraordinary mind or supernatural powers. You were just a plain and simple human. And because of that you were always excluded from any dangerous and supernatural activities they get themselves tangled up in. And because of that, there was always a part of you that felt like you didn't belong, like their extraordinary world of adventure was not meant for you as well. Sometimes you just felt like an intruder.

You were taking a walk one night. The air was crisp and cool and ruffled your jacket slightly causing you to reflexively wrap the thin fabric tighter around your body. Your arms were crossed over your chest and your eyes were focused on the ground. You weren't really paying attention to where you were going, you just wanted to get out of the house for a while, to clear your head. Because once again, Scott and the others had left you on the sidelines while they went of trying to solve the next supernatural problem in Beacon hills. You didn't know any details, you'd just barley been able to pick up bits and pieces from scattered conversations between Scott and Stiles and all the others. Apparently there was some stray alpha running around Beacon hills attacking people left and right. And naturally, Scott had taken it upon himself to fix the problem. But when you'd asked them if maybe you could help this time they'd just brushed you off saying it would be safer for you if you didn't get involved. It's was too dangerous for you since you couldn't protect yourself.

To be fair you couldn't really argue, they did have a point. You wouldn't be able to protect yourself against an alpha. But you still wished they'd at least include you in the research and tracking part of the plan. You would be perfectly content staying behind as they went off and did the heavy lifting. As long as you were at least included in their activities.

As yet another shiver went up your spine you raised your shoulders and buried your chin into the scarf around your neck, trying to keep what little warmth you had left from leaving you entirely. Raising your gaze slightly to look around you, you noticed that at some point you'd wandered onto the forest trail and were currently surrounded by trees on both sides. Letting out a quiet sigh you stopped in your track and turned around, walking into the forest at night didn't seem like such a great idea. Especially not with a rabid alpha on the loose. But just as you turned around the sound of a twig snapping behind you caused you to freeze in your tracks. Your breath hitched in your throat and your eyes widened slightly. All your muscles tensed and you subconsciously tightened the grip you had on your jacket before you carefully turned your head to look behind you. You'd almost turned around completely when the sound of yet another twig snapping, this time far more close, caused you to halt your movements. For a second your mind raced and you deliberated whether you should turn around or just run for it. Closing your eyes briefly and swallowing hard you made your decision. You ran.

You neither knew nor cared what it was that had made the sound but you knew that if it was something dangerous, human or supernatural, you probably wouldn't be able to fight it off. Running was your only option. It didn't take long before you heard the pounding of feet against the ground behind you and you immediately knew that you were being chased. Forcing your legs to go faster you practically flew across the leaf covered ground. Your breath steadily grew more and more ragged and you felt your chest tighten from the unexpected exertion. You could hear vicious snarls and guttural growls from behind you, much closer than you'd like. But you pushed all thought of your pursuer actually gaining on you to the back of your mind and instead focused on pushing your legs to the limit. However as fast as you were, your pursuer was faster, and soon you felt their hot breath against your neck which caused you to snap your head backwards only to be met by blood red eyes. A small shriek was about to escape your lips when your pursuer tackled you to the ground at the same time they sunk their teeth deep into your shoulder. You let out a sound that was something between a scream and a shriek as your back hit the slightly damp ground. You were trapped between the ground and your attacker, their body pressed against yours as their teeth sunk deeper into your skin. Your pursuer grabbed you roughly by the arms to keep you in place as you struggled against them. You could feel their claws digging deeper into your soft skin, no doubt causing streams of blood to trickle down your arm. Hot tears streamed down your cheek as you kept screaming, begging for them to stop. It was hard to focus on anything other than the searing pain that shot through your body but still you kept screaming, hoping that someone would hear you.

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