Cora hale

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"Where are you going?" Your girlfriend, Cora, asked as you went to pick up your bag.
"Lydia wants to go dress shopping for her party -you wanna come?" You offered.
Cora rolled her eyes and snorted, almost. "I'll be fine here. Go and shop for dresses with Lydia."
You rolled your eyes back at Cora and left the house, knowing that she was just being her typical jealous self. She even got jealous when you went out with Stiles. By now you'd grown used to it -it didn't bother you anywhere near as much as you used to because you loved Cora and you knew that she loved you too.

"So how was dress shopping with Lydia?" Cora asked when you walked through the door with five bags in your hands.
"It was good actually. How was sitting at home doing nothing?" You countered.
You placed the bags on the floor before you dug through one to find the dress that you'd gotten for Cora. Regardless of her being jealous, you knew that she wasn't going to miss going to a party with you so you took the liberty of buying her a dress while you were out.
"Sitting at home was actually quite fun -what's that?" Cora stopped midsentence when she saw you hold up the dress.
You smiled and handed it to her. "I thought you'd want a dress for the party so I got you one too."
Cora smiled at you and stood up, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "I know I get really jealous all the time but I love you, I really do."
"I know," You chuckled, "I love you too, Cora."

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