Part 4 - the fight with uppermoon 4

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I took my sword out and walked to where he was, or more like where he dissapeared. When i looked around the corner, i saw 4 demons, all sexy and they were all talking, of course i don't question it, just fight. I charge to the yellow one, since he was turned back to me and he was the closest. Then the green one used his fan and blew me away, I was just able to cling onto the edge of the platform, luckily, since if I were to fall, it would have been probably to my doom. I pulled myself up and started to think "how the hell could I fight 4 at once?" Eh, fuck it, I'll do it someway.

I tried slashing them, but the all dodged my attacks and were laughing at me. Then the one in the kimono got mad and tried to stab me with his stick. I managed to dodge him and maneuver myself to fight him, but when he got me, The staff sent lightning and shocked me.

- Haha!!! Look at her!!! All charred up!!!- laughed the yellow bird-looking one. I was on my knees, leaning back.

- I... You...- I mumbled. Attacking a lighting breath user with lightning wasn't smart.

- I think you need another dose of respect- growled the red one before hiting his staff up against the floor and shocking me again.

- You... All...- I mumbled- made... A big mistake.- I think I got a head start since they were underestemating me, yet in a second, using all the energy i gathered from his lightning attack, I used my sword and the fifth form: Violet Vehemence to slash through them. Luckily I got their tongue (and chopped them up like vegies for stir fry) and imobilized them. Im strong, increadibly strong. I took them all on me and jumped infront of Muzan, no... I should get used to saying Muzan-sama since I'm in. I dropped their body infront of his desk.

- One's missing.- he stated without even looking. I didn't have to look long, it's nice to be able to feel the energy flowing through his body, and combined with my intuition I found him pretty quickly. Throwing him onto the colourful ones was my way of showing " I win".

- Congratulations, Kagome, you're part of us.- he said as if he had this worked out and practised in the mirror before hand.

He looked up at me with his beautiful cat-like red glistening eyes and and just stared... then he looked back at his vials. He took another peek at me while i was going down, down to Akaza. He's someone that has a gaze that you can't not feel.

- Kagome....- his voice echoed through this place- To further my knowledge about you, meet me in Asakusa, near the ramen cart, the moment the sun hides.- his voice sustained as he dissapeared from here.

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