Part 6 - The Truth About Kibutsuji... and myself

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- My beauty -he exclaimed as he walked towards me with a, no, not a smile, but look of satisfaction? No, calmness. His jaw is loose, his brows aren't stiff, his eyes are, beautiful.

- hello? Ma'am!- shouted the man in the little ramen store as he handed me my favorite ramen.

- ah! Th-thank you!- I took it and sat down on the bench infront of it. Muzan sat next to me.

- what's wrong?-he asked as he saw I couldn't eat my ramen.

- stop staring.- I said, looking at my food.

- my bad, but I can't avert my eyes from you~ -he said, flirting. I smiled and rolled my eyes. I obviously finished my food, and after that I got up.

- do you want to go for a walk? - I sugested.

- sure.

He got up swiftly and took me to a nice place since I didn't know my way around the town. The place was a nice park, there weren't any people around and the flowers were beautiful. I gazed at him only to see he was looking at me the entire time. Flustered, he looked away.

- Is that a blush?~- I giggled- mister Kibutsuji, are you blushing?~

- no, no, it's just, it's cold- he said with his face turned away from me.

- then look at me.- I told him.

- why?

- you were the one that said you can't take your eyes off me~

- smartass.

He turned his head and showed me his blush, it was now faint, but still. His face looked more humane and natural.

- I'd say its a blush. - I flirted

- of course it's a blush, blush is when your blood rushes to your face and-

- I know what a blush is, mister Know-It-All! Is that what your last name means?

He looked at me as if i told him to suck my dick. Then he just grabbed my hand and started walking faster.

- where are you taking me? - I asked

He calmed down, walked slower and smiled- you'll see~


He took me to a place high up, and after a while, fireworks lit up the sky.
When I saw them I gasped and watched them

- all these fireworks, and non of them are as beautiful as your eyes~ - he said, staring at me.

The night was great. We ended up talking on a bench in the park, he's very interesting.

- so, haha, you're telling me, hehehe, that, that, you did it? - I said laughing

- yes, I just sat there while Kokushibo was fighting!

- no, no, but did you really think his ponytail was a horse tail?

- no, yet it resembled one

- you're crazy...

- so, kagome-san, how about you tell me about your life? -Muzan said, with a smile on his face

I calmed down in a second. My life...

-what do you want to know?

-everything, how was your childhood?

-It was very good, I just had to go get firewood for my family, I started when I was around... 11?

- 10!!!! - he almost yelled

- yeah, that's the age my dad died, and my mum was pregnant, so only I could go. - I felt like my childhood was ruined. I never saw it earlier, I thought I was just lucky to help and see my friend up-hill.

- That's... a pretty young age to start working like that...

- yeah, but thanks to that I built some muscles and learned how to train...

-so, back to my life - I started, and gulped trying not to get floded with bad memories - at the age of 15 I lost everything. I don't wanna get into detail, but basically a male demon slayer killed my family, and took use of my body... - a silence rang among us- I, of course started training, and got my revenge, now it's not really a taboo topic for me, but...

- Yui...

- yes? - I stopped and looked at him, I could only explain his expression as sorrow.

- Yui... I'm so sor-

- don't. Just don't. There's no need to apologise, and all it'll do is just make me reminisce. - I said turning away and continuing our walk.

The rest of our night was fun, but sorrow lingered in the air. I just guess Muzan wanted to cheer me up so that I wouldn't think about it that much, and so I wouldn't cry. At least part of me thinks that. The rest...

- know, Yui, I....

- let me guess, you think I shouldn't go?

- It's just... I'm worried.

- I know, Akaza, and I'll be careful.

- that isn't enough!- he shouted, angered that I even wanted to go with him

- ... - I didn't know what to say, It's like I didnt know if i should tell him to fuck off, or to tell him I understand him.

- you heard what I told you... about his wives?! What if the same happens to you?!

- Akaza my dear, it would be inconvenient for him to do that, intel, I give him valuable information. - calling him dear was exceptionally fun

- ok, but, if something's off...

- ...and he won't beat you up for this?

- it's a risk I'm willing to take -said Akaza in his tone that made me laugh, I always laugh when I'm with him. I wish we could be both demons so that we could spar...

The rest of me thinks that he really is trying to seduce me, that this is just a show...

- Yui..., oh I forgot to ask you if you're ok with me calling you on a first name basis, i-is that ok? - he broke the silence that longered among us for long.

- sure, as a matter of fact, you can call me "Yuki" that's... that's the nickname my mother gave me, since... it's really adorable when I think about it. My mother wanted to name me after the snow that powdered our village the day I was born. But she isn't really a native speaker and forgot the word for it, and that's how I got my name. - wow, I really started ranting...

- that's very cute, yes... Yuki. - he looked like he was struggling to say it, maybe it was just weird to call me that, but right after he said it he smiled, and it wasn't a fake smile, wasn't a polite smile that he often does. No, it was a smile that brightened his face, he blushes a bit and then immediately stopped, but I could tell his soul, once dark and unmoved, was smiling...

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