The Ice Cave

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"Bloody hell Swan." Killian follows Emma knowing she won't finish the conversation the two were just having, he might as well make sure nothing bad happens to her. She walks toward a group of fat icicles, and a woman, clothed in a blue gown walks out from behind a jagged bunch of ice. "Who are you?" The woman's hands immediately go outstretched in front of her body.

"My name is Emma and this is Hook. Now who are you? And what the hell is this... thing, doing here?" Emma gestures to the surrounding wall of ice.

"My name is Elsa, and I'm looking for my sister." She doesn't answer the question about the wall.

"Okay Elsa, we can help. What's your sister's name?"

"Anna." Her voice is cold and sharp.

"Is there anything else you can tell us about her?"

Elsa nods her head, yes. "That's good Elsa, we'll help you find your sister, but first let's go and talk back at my place. Okay?" Killian inches his way closer to Emma, feeling the need to protect her from this Elsa woman.

At about that time David begins making his way into the ice, trying to find his daughter and friend, his gun in hand. "Who is that?" Elsa demands, her voice heavy with fear. Before Emma could get a word out, magic spirals out of Elsa's hands, sending Emma and Killian flying backwards, tumbling into each other's arms. Another ice wall sprouts up, keeping the three from David and from getting out.

Elsa rushes over to the two lying on the ground, Killian is already helping Emma to her feet. "What the hell was that?" Emma mumbles as Killian pulls her to her feet. "I don't bloody know Swan." Elsa intervenes, "It was just a small example of my powers, I am very powerful and you need to stay out of my way." Killian's hand finds Emma's, locking their fingers together. He can feel the coldness already impacting Emma, forcing shivers through her body. "I can almost guarantee that will happen, just get us out of here and we won't bother you again."

"Emma? Hook? Are you guys okay?" David's voice crackles through the talkie speaker. "What is that," Elsa demands. "It lets me talk to my dad out there, but you could just melt the wall and we could all talk." Emma presses the button on the side to respond. Elsa stares down at her feet, avoiding either of their eyes. "Yeah dad, we are fine. This woman Elsa, she thinks her sister is in town because she found her necklace in Gold's shop. She said that-" Elsa interrupts Emma, "that if I don't get my sister I'll freeze this town and everyone in it." David doesn't respond.

"You can't control it can you? Your magic I mean. That wasn't a threat of freezing the town, that was a warning. Wasn't it?" Killian's voice breaks the silence.

"Anna helps, with her here I could get us out, I could take down the whole wall. Without her, there's no telling what I may do." Emma drops Killian's hand and steps closer to Elsa, "I have magic too, I'm not that good at controlling it either. I've been trying to warm myself up, I can't even do that." Emma demonstrates, no magic occurs. "I can't even do something as simple as that. And my magic is instinct driven, shouldn't it kick in now?" "Magic is a strange thing." Emma shivers again, her thin leather jacket and t-shirt doing little to keep her warm, she crosses her arms over her torso. Killian notices the shivers, he notices the goosebumps on the back of her neck. "Here love, take my coat." He swings it off his back and lays it upon Emma's shoulders. "No Hook," she shivers again, "You need it. Put it back on. You'll freeze without it." Emma slings it off of her and back to Killian, immediately regretting it, but knowing Hook needs it too. "Emma you need it, you'll freeze to death. Just stop being stubborn and take the damn jacket Swan." Emma shakes her head, whether it's out of refusal or being freezing she isn't sure. But she knows she isn't taking his jacket. "And without it, you'll freeze. I have my own jacket, stop worrying."

Emma walks over to Elsa, trying her hardest not to give in to Killian's desire for her to wear his jacket. But it's so cold, and she's getting very tired. "Elsa, why don't you tell me about Anna? Maybe then you can melt the ice." Elsa shakes her head, "I've been thinking of her since we got in here, I need Anna. I can't do this without her." Killian strolls over to stand beside Emma, "Elsa you can do this. I believe in you, we believe in you."

Trying to listen to Emma's words, Elsa strains her hands in a desperate attempt to undo the wall. "It's not working!" Killian nudges Emma, "Why don't you try again, love?" "Yeah." Emma puts her arms in front of her, "I can't feel my hands, this isn't going to work. God, I'm just tired." Emma crouches down, laying her back on the cold ice floor. "If I could just lay down for a minute." She sets her head down and closes her eyes. "Emma! Emma, tell me more about your magic, were you born with it or cursed?" Elsa reaches out for Emma's hands. "Those are my two options? Uh I don't know," Killian crouches down beside Emma, picking up her head and resting it on his leg, "I grew up in a land without magic and only just recently found out about these powers." Emma's voice fades out with each word and her eyes flutter shut again, only this time they don't reopen.

"Emma! Emma! Come back to me," Killian's head rests on hers, "Come back to me." The last four words barely audible. "Elsa, what's happening? Why isn't she waking back up?" His words come out harsh and demanding. "It's the cold. She's freezing to death." Killian yanks his jacket off and lays it on top of her. "Well don't we need to get her awake? Or something?" Elsa stumbles through her words, "Uh yes, we need to get her awake or she might never wake up."

"How do we do that?" Killian's face becomes a canvas of worry, his logic blinded by love. "Just keep calling her name, whatever it takes to get her up. Maybe use that thing, that talking thing, to call her dad and get him to hurry up." Killian reaches into Emma's jacket and pulls out the talkie, "David?" While waiting for him to respond, Killian yells for Emma, begging and pleading with her passed out body to wake up. "What is it Hook?" David's voice sounds rushed. "It's Emma, she's passed out and freezing to death." "What? No! I'll be there as soon as I can. I think I have something to help find Anna." Elsa cuts in before Hook can, "You do?" Her voice fills with hope. "Yeah and I'll be there soon. Keep her alive Hook." "Aye."

Killian's entire being floods with worry, she still isn't waking up. It's been five minutes. "Wake up Emma! Wake up!" He shakes her one last time, knowing David will be here any minute now, waiting right outside the wall for her. "Emma! Swan, please, pleas wake up." This time her eyes slit open, "Hook." "I'm right here." He grabs her hand and pulls her into a sitting position between his outstretched legs.

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