Such a Date as This

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"We're home," David announces as he walks over to his wife. "Finally." Snow swoops David into her arms, planting a good morning kiss on his lips. As she pulls back he shares a "we need to talk later" look. Snow picks up on it and nods. "Is Emma still here?" Killian wonders as he steps away from the wall he'd been leaning on. "Right here," Emma says leaning over the railing from her room. Hook tries to swallow his nervousness, "So Emma I was wondering if I could perhaps take you on a date tomorrow night at seven to someplace other than Granny's." Out of the corner of Killian's eye he sees David ushering Snow out of the room and into the bathroom no doubt telling her of the morning's happenings. Emma trots down to where Killian is standing, "I would love to go on a date with you." Killian pulls Emma into a passionate kiss, letting his hook graze her back. "Well good," he mumbles pulling back from the kiss and resting his forehead on hers.

"Tomorrow be ready at seven love and dress casual love. Okay?"

"Aye aye cap'n." Emma giggles at her own imitation. "See you then love." Hook walks out of the door, but not before snagging one last kiss on her cheek. "See you then."

At about the same time as the door slams shut behind Hook, Mary Margaret and David walk out of the bathroom with Snow smiling like a total idiot. "Okay what is going on you two?" Emma crosses her arms, giving her parents the stink eye. "Nothing, we just wanted to give you and Hook your space. That's all." Snow and Charming glance at each other. "You're lying. But, I'm not in the mood for anything right now. I still haven't had any caffeine to wake me up." The couple releases the breath they didn't know they were holding. "We're just gonna go for a walk Emma, we'll see you when you get home from the station." Emma nods her head as Mary Margaret and David walk out arm in arm.  Quickly, Emma downs her coffee and gets ready for a day at work.

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"Emma are you almost ready? Hook is here." Emma shoves her red lipstick into her purse and forces her boots onto her feet before responding, "Yeah, I'll be down in just a minute." She hurries over to the mirror for one last check on her make up. Everything ties together perfectly, her matching red nails, lips, and purse are accentuated by the black jeans and white sweater she picked out earlier today. Emma fluffs her hair out one last time and heads down the stairs.

"You look stunning Swan." Emma giggles, "You always say that. Every date we go on without fail, you say exactly that." Killian grins, ear to ear, "And since our second one you've something along those lines as well Emma." Emma lets out another giggle and walks to Killian who in turn loops their arms together. "Bye you guys, please don't stay up again till I get home. It gets very annoying after the first few dates." A slight chuckle escapes Killian's lips. "Okay honey," David calls as Emma shuts the door, "Love you." The door slams shut before Emma can respond and the couple heads off to whatever restaurant Killian has in store.

Killian has his fingers wrapped around Emma's leading her in the direction of whatever place they are headed. "So where exactly are we going?"

"You'll see."

He doesn't say another thing, but as they grow increasingly close to the docks Emma begins to wonder even more. "Right this way love." Killian guides her to another turn, very similar to how they'd arrive to the docks.

"Close your eyes love, I'll take you from here." Emma shuts her eyes, holding onto her boyfriend tightly. "You can relax a little love, I've got you." Killian slowly guides her up onto what sounds like wood, "Almost there." Hook swoops down and picks Emma up, cradling her in his arms. "Whoa what was that?"

"Just me being a gentleman and possibly recreating how I carried you aboard my ship the first time."

"Okay, well can I open my eyes yet?"

"No Swan, I'll tell you when you can."

With that, Killian continues carrying her for a few more steps before whispering something in her ear, "Behold, the rolly joger." He sets Emma down on her feet, "You can open your eyes now."

What she sees is gorgeous, candles line the floor and the table placed in the middle of the deck. "Oh my God Killian, this is beautiful- amazing. I love it."

"Well you're about to love it even more."

He grabs Emma's hand, leading her over to the table. A plate of breadsticks and a bowl of pasta await them. "I thought you might appreciate a old fashioned, romantic dinner Swan." Killian pulls out the wooden chair for Emma to sit upon. "Such a gentleman," she teases playfully. "Always." Killian takes his seat across from Emma, "Dig in love, it's your favorite type of pasta, alfredo." Emma doesn't hesitate and reaches over to the bowl, scooping up a huge helping of the pasta. She passes the spoon over to her date and grabs a breadstick. After Killian has put his food on his plate, he reaches below his seat and pulls up a bottle of champagne. Emma extends her arm to grab the bottle so she can pour herself some, "Ah let me love." She backs off as he fills her glass with the sparkling liquid.

The two spend most of the evening dabbling in light hearted conversation, discussing Henry's new girlfriend (who happens to be the Mad Hatter's daughter, Grace) and all their "young love struggles" as the couple has come to call it, they talk about how work has been for the two, and just other things going on in the town. By the time the sun is fully down, the moon and night stars taking it's place, the couple have settled down onto some blankets that Killian had prepared. Their fingers intertwined as they look up at the starry night sky, a comfortable silence between them. Each one hears the other's breath, the rise and fall of their chests provide a comforting sound filling the void. "Killian," Emma mumbles under her breath. "Yes love?" He turns his head to face her. "What were you and my dad talking about yesterday?" Emma's curiosity had gotten the best of and she just had to ask.

"That, is something to be discussed after a dance."

"A dance? But we don't have any music."

"Swan, one thing I've learned about love throughout my life is that if the love is true it has it's own music that is always playing. So while the rest of the world does it's thing, you're off dancing to the beat of your own drum."

Emma smiles and stretches out her arm, Killian hops to his feet and pulls her up. "May I have this dance love?" She nods as he pulls her into his arms, they rock back and forth in sync to the music only they hear.

Killian guides Emma for what seems like hours, neither of them know how long it's been, but they don't care. The warm embrace from the other tickles their senses. "So, will you tell me now?" Emma buries her face in his neck after asking. "Of course love, but only if you'll let me whisper it." She mumbles a yes into his neck. "Emma, I've loved you for a long while now and I think that we are ready to make our love forever." Killian gently forces Emma back and reaches in his coat pocket for a ring box. "Emma Swan, would you do me the honor of being my wife?"

"Yes!" Tears stream down her face, "God I love you Killian." Killian puts the ring on her ring finger and pulls her in for a passionate kiss. "Should we continue our dance now Swan?" Their foreheads are pressed against each other, their lips barely grazing. In response to his question, Emma wraps her hand in his and lets him lead her in another dance to the beat of their own drum.

Author's Note:
•So I wasn't exactly sure on how I wanted Killian to propose, if you have anything that would make it sound better then let me know!

•Or if you find plot holes or grammar issues. Those things really get on my last nerve.

•Also... Sorry it took so long to update. I got really distracted and I kept procrastinating to get it done. I was also not exactly sure where I wanted it to lead to. After I got about half through this one it finally clicked and I was able to write the rest like *snap*

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