May I Have Your Blessing?

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A loud knock on the door roused Emma from her slumber. "Ugh, seriously?" She pushed herself out of the bed and towards the door. Mary Margaret and David still sound asleep cuddled in each other's arms. Quickly Emma smoothed her wild bed head down and pulled the wooden door open. It's frame held Killian, arms crossed and leg propped up against the wall. "Swan, is your father here?" Killian stands up straight and waltzes into the loft. "Uh yeah, but he's asleep. Just like I was before someone came and woke me up." He turns and faces Emma, "Sorry about that love, your father told me to meet him this morning when we were at the bar last night. And for the record he wasn't drunk until after he mentioned it." Emma raises her eyebrow but doesn't say a word, she just shuffles over the the stairs and sits while Killian wakes up her father.

"What the hell Hook?" David sits up in bed followed by Mary Margaret. "Rise and shine Davey." David rolls his eyes remembering their conversation last night about having a talk this morning. He pushes himself up off of the bed and pulls on some shoes near his nightstand. "What is all this about?" Snow sits up inquiring about Killian. "Hook and I need to finish a conversation we were having last night before we both became drunk, be back soon." David slings his legs over the bed, sliding his feet onto the floor. "Alright," Mary Margaret pulls David in for a kiss before pushing him out of the  bed. David shuffles over to his shared closet with Snow, pulling out a t-shirt and jeans before walking behind the staircase to get dressed blocking us from view.

"So what is this thing you have to talk to my dad about?" Killian allows a smile upon his face, "You'll find out in plenty of time love." Emma gives him, her signature look of "mhmm sure" before he slides his arm over her shoulders. "I promise to you Swan, you will most definitely find out with time." She looks at him one last time before David walks out and him and Hook head towards the door and out into the world.

"Mom, what do you think they need to talk about?" Snow shakes her head at Emma's question, "I have no clue. When your father came home last night he was drunk off his ass and went straight to bed." Emma crosses her arms, a slight scowl on her face in the fact of her limited amount of knowledge. "Well I'm going to head back to bed. Might as well get some more sleep." She trods up the steps and falls onto her bed, asleep within minutes.

Charming and Hook walk out of the loft, neither daring to speak until they get out and into the chilling autumn air. Once the two get what they feel is a safe difference from the loft, Charming starts talking, "Shall we continue our conversation from last night then?" Hook nods his head before speaking, "As I assume you are well aware of the feeling your daughter and I share for each other." David rolls his eyes, "Very well aware of." Hook raises his hand to rub behind his ear, a nervous habit of his. "And as I also hope you know, I love her with all my heart. I will always love her, no matter what."

"Once again, very well aware of that fact." This time without the sarcastic tone in David's comment and a smile actually on his face, Hook gains a goofy grin on his face, reassured in what he's doing. "Aye, and I would like to marry her. I've wanted to for some time now, but only just recently I feel as if Emma is ready for such a commitment. Now that she is, I want to wed her and have the whole world know about my undying love for her." Hook pauses, taking a breath before he continues. Before he does though, David places his hand on Hook's shoulder. "You have our blessing Hook."

"Our?" David nods. "Mary Margaret and I discussed it a few months back, and we both feel like Emma and you aren't just a passing thing. She loves you Hook, she really does. You have both of our blessings on marrying Emma." Hook quickly hugs David, "Thanks. I'm thinking about taking her out on a date tomorrow night and proposing to her then."

The two friends continue discussing Emma and a wedding, David giving advice on marriage and anything else he can think of in relation to caring for one of the most important women in his life. When they arrive back at the loft, before going in David has one last remark, "But if you hurt my baby girl I will hurt you. You can mark my words. Hurt her and I'll be coming after you."

Author's Note yo...

So this was more Captain Charming but eh... they still BROTP

There WILL be a follow up for this with the date they go on. But this can be a stand alone as well I guess. So i guess we will call the follow up a companion one shot!

I also want to apologize for not updating in about 20 million years. Very sorry y'all...

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