Little Child (???)

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"Kilian! Killian get in here!" Emma's voice is almost drowned out by her newborn son, Liam, wailing in her arms. A yawning Killian walks through the door of Liam's nursery, "What is it, love?" Emma looks up at her husband, "I can't get him to shut up. No matter what I do, Liam keeps crying." Killian walks over to Emma and gently takes the baby from her arms. He bounces Liam up and down in a slow, rhythmic manner trying to soothe him. "Go and lay down Emma, I'll get him to go to sleep. It was your first day back at work and you just need to lie down for a little bit, take a breather." Emma bites her lip and crosses her arms before nodding to Killian, "Swan, don't worry. I can get the lad to sleep." She drops her arms. "Yeah I know, it's just, I don't know it all feels so weird and sudden and I'm just exhausted." Liam wiggles and cries in Killian's protective arms. "Go Swan, lie down and I'll be there in a minute." Without a response Emma turns out of the pale blue nursery and walks down the hall to the bedroom she shares with Killian.

Killian takes a seat in the rocking chair adjacent to Liam's crib once he no longer hears Emma's echoing footprints from down the hall. Slowly he rocks Liam back and forth in his arms, "Shhh Liam. It's time to sleep now." The cries begin to let up, only his own restlessness holds Liam back from going to sleep. A smile creeps up on Killian's face as his son starts to wind down and stay still. Killian holds Liam close to his chest, breathing in the smell of him. It doesn't take long for Liam to drift off into blissful sleep, nothing more than the sound of breathing disrupting the silence of the nursery. Killian couldn't put him down though, he just kept looking down at his sleeping son's face. Instead of lying him down in his crib, Killian keeps him wrapped in his arms like he's unable to do anything else. "I'm gonna tell you a story Liam, one that is full of adventure and love. I know that someday you'll grow to understand what all of this means, but for now it'll just be a tale you hear." Liam wiggles around a little in his slumber as if approving of the story Killian has decided to tell him every time he puts the lad to bed.


Killian finally wraps up his story of a daring Princess Leia and her dashing rapscallion of a prince called Charles after they rescue none other than Snow White from the Evil Queen with the help of Prince Charming. He drops little Liam soundly in crib with baby blue blanket snug around his small body. "Goodnight Liam," Killian whispers with a kiss to the babe's forehead. He turns the light out after checking the baby monitor device his Swan insisted they get to listen to their child. Silently, Killian tiptoes down the wooden floor to get to Emma and his' room. Before he gets in the room, Killian hears a sniffle, a sniffle most definitely coming from Emma. As he rounds the corner to get in their room, he's already ready to pose the question of what's wrong. But once he enters the room, Killian is speechless. Emma is sitting on the bed, a puddle of tears, clutching her pillow. "Emma, love, what's the matter?" She just shakes her head, her long blonde hair jumping back and forth with her face.

Wasting no time, Killian sits down on the bed beside Emma and grabs her in an embrace. He mumbles little reassurances into her ear. This wasn't the first time she's been momentarily overcome by everything, not even the first time since having Liam. Killian pulls out of the hug and plants a kiss on her forehead. Emma reaches for him and grabs him back into another loving hug. "I can't do this Killian." He puts his hand behind her head and rubs the back of her head. "Can't do what, love?" He already knows the answer, he already knows the conversation but Killian asks anyways. "I can't do this, I can't be a mom. I can't be anything anymore." He shakes his head ever so slightly, "Swan, you can be a mom. You are a mom. You have Henry who you have taken care of just fine over the years. And you are doing great with Liam." Emma backs away from Killian, "No I can't take care of Liam. I can't even get him to go to sleep. I just was never meant to be a mother." With a loving caress, Killian takes Emma's cold hand, "Of course you were meant to be a mother. Stop telling yourself that you aren't. You have done so bloody well with Henry and Liam couldn't be in better shape at nine weeks old. You are a bloody amazing mother, sheriff, and person."

A warm smile settles in over the nervous wreck look there just seconds ago on Emma's face. "Thanks Killian. You know sometimes I forget how much I need you," Emma jokingly places a little peck on his scruffy cheek. "I don't think I could ever forget, Emma." Killian stares at Emma, lust swelling up in his eyes. Neither thinks and dives in for a heated kiss before being interrupted by the baby monitor going off. "Bloody hell Emma. Why do we have to have that damn thing in our room?" Emma laughs, "Just go check on Liam." 

Author's Notes~

~So guys I am in fact alive and well if any of you were wondering

~I wrote this for a tumblr secret santa and thought I should put it here since I haven't put anything new up in foooorever.

~and uh excuse the awkward name. I didn't name it for my secret santa person so idk

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