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I finally have 100 followers on tumblr!!! *does a happy dance* my goal was to get there by September 13th (my birthday) and guys... ITS NOT EVEN AUGUST!!!! YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!

So now it's time for the shameless self promotion... My tumblr is OUAT trash (mostly of the CS trash variety) and then, today in particular, THG, with the occasional funny or serious post. So like follow me at @ killianisacupcake if you have a tumblr and we can be besties. I have no tumblr friends y'all and that's not good... So be my friend. I force all of you too. Especially if you have a tumblr. If not feel free to pm me or comment on someone else's comment and let us annoy them while we talk and they don't. (I kinda do that a lot... Oops.)

An actually update is planned for soon and guys, you can also find this on ao3. It's called love has its own drum. By me obviously :D so go and subscribe to it there and you can download it yo. Which means always having it with you, if you have your reading device that is...

ILY!!!!! *blows kisses*

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