Chapter 1: Everest's Accident

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"Hey, Jake, can I go snowboarding today?" Everest asked. "Sure, Everest," Jake answered. "Just keep your Pup Tag on, OK?" Before Jake could finish his sentence, Everest was already out the door. "'Kay, thanks, bye." She said, quickly running off to the hardest trail on the mountain.

"Here it is, Red Diamond Trail." Everest said to herself. "Wonder why its called that?" She asked herself, before throwing herself down the slope. Bobbing and weaving between the trees, she started feeling overconfident. "Jake was so wrong, saying I wasn't ready for this trail. 'Not ready,' indeed." Just then, Karma struck, in the form of a flash avalanche. Everest heard it coming after her. "Ruff! Jet!" She barked, taking her eyes off the trail, pulling a Marshall. Realizing her mistake, she put her eyes back on the trail, only too late. "OH SHIT!" she shouted, before hitting a tree, and getting buried in the snow.

"Everest should've been back by now." Jake said, pulling out his phone to call the PAW Patrol. "Ryder here." Ryder said as he answered the call. "Ryder, dude, Everest should've been back by now," Jake said motioning his phone to the setting sun. "And there was a flash avalanche today, I'm scared she might've gotten caught in it." Jake looked clearly afraid for his little sister. "Don't worry, Jake we'll find her." Ryder said, before ending the call.

"PAW Patrol, to The Lookout."Ryder said, hitting the Call All Pups button on his Pup Pad. "Ryder needs us." The Pups all say in unison. Running to the elevator Marshall pulls a Marshall, and trips on his own paws. "whoops, sorry, Pups." Marshall said apologetically. the elevator rose to the command floor, with the Pups in uniform. Chase in his spy gear, and Marshall in his EMT gear. "PAW Patrol, ready for action, Ryder, Sir." Chase called out as usual. "Thanks for hurrying, Pups." Ryder said. "There's been a flash avalanche today, and Jake's afraid Everest might've been caught in it." The Pups gasped. "That's why I need Chase, you'll use your Drone to search the trails for any sign of her." Ryder said. "Chase is on the case!" Chase shouted. "Skye, you'll use your copter, and goggles to search from the air." Ryder said. "This Pup's gotta fly!" Skye shouted. "Rubble, you'll use your shovel to dig her out if she's buried in the snow." Ryder said. "Rubble on the double!" Rubble shouted. "And, Marshall, you'll patch her up when we find her." Ryder said. "I'm ready for a ruff ruff rescue!" Marshall shouted. "Alright, Paw Patrol is on a roll!" Ryder shouted, before running for the fireman's pole to his ATV. Chase, Marshall, Skye, and Rubble ran to the slide to get to their vehicles.

After they arrived at the scene. "Thank God your here, dudes, I'm getting worried sick about Everest." Jake said, worried sick. "Don't worry, Jake, we'll find her." Ryder said. "Chase, deploy your Drone." Chase ran to the Drone controls on his vehicle. "Ruff, Drone." He barked, sending the Drone to search the trails. "Skye, find anything, yet?" Ryder asked, speaking into his Pup Pad. "Nothing yet, Ryder," Skye said. "Wait, I see Everest's board up by Red Diamond Trail." Jake got angry when Skye said Red Diamond Trail. "I told her that trail wasn't ready yet." Jake said angrily. "Don't worry, Jake, we'll get her down," Ryder said. "Rubble, Everest is up on Red Diamond Trail. Think you can dig her out?" Rubble drove off to help Everest. "I'm on it, Ryder." Rubble said.

 After Rubble arrived at Everest's location. "Her board, She must be here." Rubble said to himself. "Ruff, Shovel." He barked. Shovel deployed, Rubble started to dig Everest out of the snow. "Thanks, Rubble," Everest said. "Call Marshall." Everest passed out. "MARSHALL, COME QUICK," Rubble yelled into his Pup Tag. "EVEREST IS OUT COLD!" Marshall started driving to Red Diamond Trail. "I'm on my way." Marshall said into his Pup Tag.

After Marshall arrived on the scene. "I'm here, Rubble, where's Everest?" Marshall asked. "Right here, Marshall." Rubble said. "Alright, let's get her into my Ambulance." Marshall said, getting to work. He pulled the gurney out of the back, put Everest on it, put it back in the ambulance, and he and Rubble drove off to the Hayden Everflame Children's Hospital.

Two days later, Everest woke up. "Where am I?" Everest asked. "You're in the hospital, Everest." Jake said. "The hospital, what happened?" Everest asked. "I told you not to go near Red Diamond Trail, and look what happened." Jake said, taking the covers off of her. "What happened to me?" Everest asked, noticing what she wearing. "An avalanche hit when you were snowboarding," Jake said softly. "The doctor said you hit the tree just right to both save yourself, and lose bladder control permanently." Everest was shocked at what she had just heard. "Permanently?," Everest said, shocked. "You must be joking." Jake looked at Everest sorrowfully. "I'm not joking, Everest," He said. "Plus, Ryder called, you're on medical leave from the PAW Patrol for the next three months, and I plan on keeping you on a literal short leash for that time, as punishment for disobeying me, understand?" Everest looked at the floor. "Yes, Jake." She said. "Good girl," Jake said. "Now, get up, and let's go home." He picked Everest up, put a harness on her, connected a leash to the harness, and walked Everest out to his truck, so they could go home.

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