Chapter 7: Back On The Board

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After a minute of walking, Jake and Everest stopped at the top of the Bunny Slope. "Alright, Everest, let's get on our boards." Jake said. Everest hesitated, but got on her board. "You're doing great, Everest." Jake assured Everest. "Thanks, Jake." Everest said. "You're welcome, baby sis, now let's go down the slope." Jake said. Jake and Everest leaned forward, and started going down the Bunny Slope. Everest was nervous, but kept her eyes forward. "You OK, Everest?" Jake asked, worried about his little sister. "Yeah, just a bit nervous." Everest answered nervously. A minute later, they got to the bottom of the slope. "I may need to go down a few more times to regain my confidence." Everest sighed. "Take as long as you need, Everest." Jake said reassuringly. "I think I'll go again." Everest said, dragging her board back up the slope. "I'll come with you." Jake said, following his little sister. They got to the top of the slope. Everest took a nervous breath, and went down the slope again, with Jake right alongside her. They went up and down the slope until the started to set.

"The sunset is so beautiful, isn't it?" Everest asked, sitting down in the snow. "Yeah, it is." Jake said, sitting next to his little sister. They sat there until the sun was halfway down the horizon. "Hey, Jake, do you mind if I ask Marshall to sleep over?" Everest asked. "Sure, I'm cool with it if Ryder is." Jake said, patting Everest's head. "Thanks, Jake." Everest said, preparing to call Marshall.

"Hey, Marshall, You up?" Everest asked into her Puptag. "Everest, oh, thank goodness, You're alright." Marshall said, answering Everest's call. "Yeah, I'm mostly fine, I got out of the Hospital yesterday." Everest said into her Puptag. "What do you mean, 'Mostly fine?'" Marshall asked, worried about Everest. "The Doctor said I lost my bladder control permanently, and have to wear diapers for the rest of my life." Everest said, blushing. "Anyway, what did you wanna ask me?" Marshall asked, blushing behind his Puptag. "Oh, right, do you wanna, maybe, come over for a sleepover?" Everest asked, her blush deepening. "Sure, I'll ask Ryder." Marshall said, walking out of his Puphouse.

At The Lookout.

Marshall walked into The Lookout. "Hey, Ryder." Marshall said, approaching Ryder. "Hey, Marshall, what's up?" Ryder asked. "Everest called, and asked me to sleep over." Marshall said. "Everest called, how is she?" Ryder asked with concern in his voice. "She's fine, Ryder," Marshall answered. Ryder breathed a sigh of relief. "So, can I sleepover?" Marshall asked. "Sure, you can sleep over at Jake and Everest's place." Ryder said. "Thanks, Ryder." Marshall said, running to his Puphouse.

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