Chapter 5: Walk In The Woods

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"Do you wanna go for a walk, Everest?" Jake asked, coming back into the living room. "Yeah, maybe it'll take my mind off things." Everest answered sadly. "Everest, you sound pretty bummed, what's wrong?" Jake asked, worried about his little sister. "I don't know, Jake, I just have a lot on my mind." Everest answered sadly. "then, let's go for a walk." Jake said, taking Everest's pajamas off of her. "OK, Jake, let's go."Everest said, walking to the front door. "Hold on, Everest." Jake said, grabbing Everest's harness and leash. "I don't really need that junk, do I?" Everest asked, rolling her eyes. "Everest, you haven't even finished the first can of formula, and your punishment only ends when you finish the last one." Jake told Everest, putting Everest in her harness, and putting the leash on the harness. "OK, Jake, let's go." Everest said, waiting for Jake to open the door.

Jake got his snow gear on, and opened the door. Jake and Everest walk onto the trail, and into the woods. They walked in silence for hours. "Why didn't you want me to go down Red Diamond Trail?" Everest asked, breaking the silence. "Because it was my Dad's personal trail," Jake answered mournfully. "He was the best snowboarder in the world, so he built Red Diamond Trail to give himself a real challenge, and when he tested the trail, it cost him his life." Jake started crying. "Jake, I m so sorry, I didn't know that trail killed your Dad." Everest said trying desperately to calm Jake down. "Its alright, but please promise me you'll stay away from the abandoned trails from now on." Jake said, patting Everest's head. "OK, Jake, I promise." Everest said, bowing her head. "Thanks, Everest, that means a lot to me" Jake said, taking his hand off of Everest's head. "Sorry for killing the mood." Everest said. "Its OK, Everest, let's go home." Jake said, leading his little sister back to their cabin.

Jake and Everest got home. Jake opened the door, and led Everest inside. "So, what do we do now?" Everest asked, as Jake took off her harness. Jake checked Everest's diaper. "Well, you need a diaper change." He said, taking his hand off Everest's diaper. "What?" Everest whined. "Its OK, Everest." Jake said, picking Everest up, and carrying her to the changing table. Jake pulled the diaper Everest was wearing off, and threw it away, then pulled a new diaper and the powder from the changing table. He opened the diaper, put it under her back legs, poured the powder the covered area, pushed the front, and sides of the diaper between her back legs, and taped it shut. "Thanks, Jake." Everest said, rolling onto her belly, and jumping off the changing table. "Your welcome, Everest." Jake said, leaving to make Everest a bottle of formula.

Everest wasn't sure what to do while she waited for her older brother to come back into her room. Her thoughts quickly turned back to her nightmare. She was worried about what the other Pups would think. She was worried about her place in the PAW Patrol. But most of all, she was worried about whether or not Marshall would love her in her condition. Before she could dwell on it further, Jake came back into the room with Everest's bottle. "Hey, Everest, what are you thinking about?" Jake asked, startling Everest. "Oh, Jake, I was just thinking about my place on the team, after my accident." Everest answered, startled. "Its OK, Everest, Ryder didn't kick you out permanently." Jake said reassuringly. "Really?" Everest asked. "Of course, you're only on medical leave, Ryder didn't kick you out." Jake said, reassuringly. "Thanks, Jake, I needed that." Everest said gratefully. "You're welcome, Everest, now its time for bed." Jake said, sitting on Everest's crib mattress. "OK, Jake." Everest said, jumping onto Jake's lap. Jake put the bottle into Everest's mouth, and Everest started drinking. It took a few minutes for Everest to finished her bottle. Once she was finished, Jake took the empty bottle out of Everest's mouth, walked to the closet, and pulled out a set of pajamas for his little sister. "OK, Everest, let's get your pajamas on." Jake said, taking the pajamas over to Everest. "OK, Jake." Everest said excitedly. Jake opened the pajamas, and Everest stepped inside. Jake helped Everest put her front paws into the sleeves, and zipped Everest's pajamas shut. "Thanks, Jake." Everest said. "You're welcome," Jake said. "Say, Everest, why were you so excited for me to put your pajamas on you?" Everest blushed. "Oh, uh, um, I, uh, saw a commercial on TV, and it started from there." Everest stuttered, blushing deeper. "OK." Jake shrugged. "Wait, you're OK with that?" Everest asked, confused. "Of course, you're my little sister." Jake answered reassuringly. "Thanks, Jake." Everest said, licking Jake's face. "You're welcome, Everest." Jake said, patting his little sister's head. "Good night, Jake." Everest said, laying down to go to sleep. "Good night, Everest." Jake said, walking out of Everest's room, and closing the door.

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