Chapter 1: Memory Loss

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It had been 3 months since Lord Raiden recounted waking up from the dark forest but not recalling anything about the ruthless battle that occurred. He couldn't recall the pureblood vampire Caleb Wilkins stripping off his vampire powers and humanizing him using the Forbidden Spell nor about the lives he had taken during Halloween night and dead bodies dumped in graveyards. Most essentially, he lost memories of his painful past of his dad leaving him and his mom during his childhood years and how he became a vampire before. Now that he's human again, all he could focus on was living a balanced and prosperous day everyday and not worrying about the flow of life.

I couldn't remember anything upon waking up from that dark forest...

Nor could I recognize the faces that appeared before my eyes or what happened before...

All they said to me was "Your name was Tobias Mercer and you were a good man"...

I didn't know entirely what they were conveying behind that...If I was a good man, how good was I?

And how did I end up in a place that foreshadowed fear and danger?

At this point, I'm not sure if I can distinguish myself as good or bad...But I don't want to dwell on the past.

Although my memories are lost, my heart and soul aren't.

Despite the odds, I'm trying to live the best of my life and it's uncanny I don't have a slight bit of stress within me any more.

Taking care of my mind and body are my top priorities now. Nothing else matters more...But about love?

That's hard to say...Love must be an emotion lovely to feel and experience.

Where will I find it and when? Hopefully, I will find that answer for myself one day. 

Tobias Mercer has a striking figure of a tall, handsome man standing at 6'4 which was enhanced by his muscular and well-defined physique. He carries himself with confidence, his posture upright and purposeful. His thick, medium auburn hair falls gracefully around his ears and frames his face, giving him a rugged yet refined appearance. In the sunlight, it glints with shades of copper and gold, adding to his overall attractiveness. His eyes were a mesmerizing shade of golden brown, often described as warm and expressive. They have a strange ability to reflect his emotions, whether it's the intensity of his focus or the warmth of his smile. His smooth white skin contrasts beautifully with his auburn hair and golden-brown eyes, creating a striking combination that many find alluring.

As for my morning routine, I followed a disciplined schedule to start off my day right...

First I would wake up at 6am in the morning to brush my teeth and eat breakfast...

He would eat a healthy breakfast with some coffee and put on a decent black Adidas tracksuit before heading off the gym.

Next I will go to the gym...I usually do 30 min of cardio and train on bench press...

Usually, I get girls staring and complimenting my looks whenever they get inside after me...

They often reminded me how unbelievably gorgeous I look and how well I take care of myself...

Two girls were checking Tobias out when he was walking at a relative pace on the treadmill.

Girl #1: She whispered. Look who's up at 7am in the morning moving his hot body while others are probably sitting at home eating cheetos on the couch.

Girl #2: She whispered back. Girl, don't say that out loud! The hunk's got better ears on his back than we can guess.

Girl #1: Oops, we're too late to say that! He's finished exercising and now he's coming to talk to us.

Tobias: Hello, my lovely ladies. How are your fine, productive mornings?

Girl #1: Well, I'm flattered you asked...Mine was so-so but I feel refreshed upon working out here.

Girl #2: You're a tall drink of water aren't you? Looking fresh and new like a flower that magically bloomed this season.

Tobias: Why, thank you for that praise. You're both sweeter than a grain of sugar.

As Tobias spoke with charm and eloquence, the two girls couldn't help but blush in response to his smooth words. Their eyes sparkled with a mixture of surprise and admiration, and their smiles revealed a hint of bashfulness, as if they were caught off guard by his magnetic presence. In that moment, the room seemed to glow with a subtle, enchanting aura, all thanks to Tobias's effortless ability to make hearts flutter with his silver-tongued conversation.

Girl #1: We're going to a dance studio after this...Would you be kind enough to join us?

Girl #1: I think dancing must be something you're fond of too...

Tobias: Why not? Dancing is one of my areas of expertise. I can't help but show off my kinesthetic abilities.

Girl #2: OMG, what?! Me too! Wow, you really do know what it's like to use your energy wisely.

As mentioned by these girls, dancing became another one of my passions...I feel recharged and rebooted like a device.

Dancers, guys and girls, often say I'm a powerhouse...Never stopping to make new moves with my body.

Most of the time, they pick me as the dance leader...

Usually after working out, I come home and take a hot shower...

I also have a skin care routine to maintain the quality of my skin...I cleanse twice a day and apply Natural Gates Pomegranate moisturizer to keep it glowing...

I'm also very picky about the type of clothes I wear...

I often opt for well-tailored suits and Victorian vintage stylish outfits, but there are times I dress casually...

Yes, you can say I'm a bit of an organized and neat freak...

He gazed at himself in the mirror, marveling at his appearance in one of his full body black coats with a gray sweatshirt underneath. His shiny, leather black shoes and black cotton gloves are good accessories for his elegant outfit.

Tobias: He thought to himself. I'll pick this outfit to go out again...

Tobias: On the inside. I haven't worn this in a long while, and it still looks brand new to me.

There are moments where I also wish I could retrieve back my lost memories, but 3 months have gone and I'm feeling a bit uncertain...

Nothing old or forgotten has come back to me...I don't know when I will remember.

But I won't let that stop me from living the normal life most people live...

Hours later, Tobias went out of his apartment wearing that elegant outfit he picked out of his closet. The exterior of the shop had the name of Enchanted Florist in a fancy cursive script. The large display windows on either side of the entrance showcased an array of colorful blooms, hinting at the treasures within. Pots of ivy and cascading vines framed the windows, adding a touch of natural beauty to the scene. Upon entering inside, a gentle chime announced his arrival, and he was enveloped in a fragrant symphony of floral scents. Vibrant bouquets of roses, lilies, and tulips filled the air with their sweet fragrance. A riot of colors, from soft pastels to bold and vivid hues, greeted him at every turn. He couldn't help but admire the artistic arrangements of the flowers that awaited him. Standing in front was a woman in her mid 40s. Her name was Mirana Ainsley. She had light ginger hair tied in a bun and wore a greenish blue dress that covered her heels.

Mirana: Hello, welcome...Here to buy a flower?

Tobias: That's questionable, but most likely...It's my first time here. Your shop is very unique and elegantly arranged...

Tobias: I appreciate the aesthetic and types of flowers you sell...For now I want to take a look around.

Mirana: She smiled. I'm happy you feel that way even though it's your first time here at my shop.

Mirana: I'm Mirana...Owner of Enchanted Florist.

Tobias: Very ravishing name for a lady of your age, Mirana. I'm Tobias...

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